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Thursday, May 16, 2013

5th grade , teaching song , personal possessions

                                                                                                            ELVAN KOZLUCA 091301053
                            Teaching  Song
Lesson : English
 Class: 5th
Unit : Personal possessions – occupations
 Aims :
      To take  students' attention
      To develop positive attitude towards the target language
      To warm students for the lesson
      To make the lesson more interesting and enjoyable 
      To teach the  target language via song in a meaningful context
Presentation :

Activity : Listening the  song
                        The teacher presents the video .  It  helps  students to  learn  the  words  in the unit and their pronunciations with the rhythm .After  listening the  song , teacher asks what jobs  they  remember . The students   share  what they hear . Students  sing the song together
Procedure :
Activity : Info-gap

            Teacher  gives  students  info gap  worksheets. Students are asked to fill out  the song’s lyrics. While  they  are  listening the song , they fill out  the worksheets .As a result , students  learn the  words of the  unit and pronunciation  of the  words
 Production :

Activity : Write your own  song .

            This  activity makes  students   eager to use language. They  write their own songs by changing the some  parts of  the song . The class   is divided into  groups with   eight   members. That’s reason is that  everyone can  have a character  from the  song . They change the song . For example , I am   Nigel Naylor, I am  doctor  or , they can make up a  name  matched to the pronunciation of the  job . Students  prepare their  songs and  present them in front of as a song . They can use the materials the teacher brings or students  use irrelevant  objects in their performance to improve their creativiy  .

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