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Friday, May 10, 2013

4th Grade Unit 6 Home Sweet Home Song Activities

Bünyamin ÖZKUL
3-B 09131058
Lesson: English / 4th Grade
Language point: "Song related to Home Sweet Home"
Materials: Power-point Presentation about the parts of home and home objects, and a song video and its mp3 fotmat (in the song, there are three part of home namely: livingroom, bathroom, and bedroom; I have included "kitchen" to the song, because I'm planning to sing that part to students, and later they will parctice the song).
Aims: The main aims of the teacher are to make the students revise what they have learned before, so the teacher shows a power-point presentation about the parts and objects of home. He/she leads students to guess what they have seen in the presentation. Another aim iof the teacer is to make students practice with a song. I mean the teacher tries to stir the pupils up and it is useful to activate students' energy with a song. Lastly, the teacher not only aims to introduce the subject with song only, but also, aims to use visual aid. ( the video of that song.
ppt about parts of home:                            https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3LiuDpiURMoN2l5YUd0VU1XaWs/edit?usp=sharing
the song of parts of home:

the video of the song:

the lyrics of song:

the lyrics of song which have some missing words:

Presentation: In this part, after the teacher greets the students, he/she shows a presentation about the parts of home. He/she tries to remind the objects of home, and the teacher aims to make student create a connection between what they have seen in the presentation and the objects in their home. Later the teacher says that they will  watch a video once. After that, the teacher displays the song format. And, he/she sings the the with students alltogether.
            Practice: In this part, the teacher makes students do an enjoyable activity. Firstly; as a brainstorming activity, He/she hands out the lyrics of song which some of words are missing. Students will read the papers at first and will find the missing word. Thanks to this, the students are able to improve what they have coverd. Later, The teacher tells student that they will act the song out according to the song, and he/she either chooses three students from the class or wants students to make groups including three students. The studens come to the board and act the situation by singing. To exemplify, I think students will be active in these kinds of songs, they will voluntarily take part in the activities.

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