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Friday, May 10, 2013

4th Grade Unit 6 Home Sweet Home Game Activities

Bünyamin ÖZKUL
3-B 09131058
Lesson: English / 4th Grade
Language point: "Game related to Home Sweet Home"
Materials: Power-point Presentation about the parts of home and home objects, and a power-point game. It includes "bedroom, bathroom, hall, study room, and kitchen", and to some extent it includes the preposition: "in".
Aims: The main aims of the teacher are to make the students revise what they have learned before, so the teacher shows a power-point presentation about the parts and objects of home. He/she leads students to guess what they have seen in the presentation. Another aim iof the teacer is to make students practice with an enjoyable game. At first, the teacher will show the presentation. In it, there is a big shoe which resembles a home, and has parts of home. These are shown as five windows of the home and, these changes automatically, at first. Later when students guess which part the bathroom is, the teacher clicks it whether it is right or not.  I mean the teacher tries to stir the pupils up and it is useful to activate students' energy with a kind of game activity.

ppt about the parts of home:

ppt for game:

Presentation: In this part, after the teacher greets the students, he/she shows a presentation about the parts of home. He/she tries to remind the objects of home, and the teacher aims to make student create a connection between what they have seen in the presentation and the objects in their home. Later the teacher shows the presentation for the game activity. He/she tells students that "at the first slide of presentation you will notice a big shoe resembling a home, and this home has five windows each of five will automatically be opened, later you will guess what parts of home have been shown. These are namely kitchen, bedroom, bartroom, hall, and study room. Meanwhile, when five parts of home are revised with this game, there are situations for students to learn the preposition: "in", because in the presentation there are mouses and they hide themselves in a part of home, so, students will find where they are. For example; when they see "where is the mouse?", they or the teacher clicks a window to find. If it is in the right part, they will say "it is in the bedroom. if not, they will try to find right part.
            Practice: In this part, the teacher makes students do an enjoyable activity. At first, he/she shows the presentation, the students look the parts of home for a few seconds, and the parts of home hide themselves in the presentation. The teacher asks students to find the right parts of home of a given situation. For example; in the presentation "where is the kitchen?" is asked. And students guess and find the correct option. According to students responses, the teacher clicks the parts of home in the presentation. Later the mouses hide themselves the parts of home. This time any question like"where is the study room?" will not be asked. Istead, students click to find where the mouse is, when they find where it is, they will tell in which part of home the mouse is, as well. To exemplify, at first students learn the parts of home with this enjoyable game. Later, when any question like "where is the hall?" is not asked, they are easily able to recognise the parts of home. 

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