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Friday, April 12, 2013

Teaching Story, 5th grade, Unit 12 Health Problems,

     Evrim ERTAY
    09131035 3/A
LEVEL:5th Grade
SUBJECT: Health Problems
  • Students will be able to understand the story.
  • Students will be able to learn some new vocabulary.
  •  Students will be able to practice the story and the new vocabulary.
  •   Students will be able to use the language by acting out.
  •        Students will be able to produce something in the target language.

tt     THE LANGUAGE POINT: should and should not.
MATERIALS: a little red riding hood corner, three animal picture, a little red riding hood picture, a home picture, a path picture. a plaster, a thermometre.

Pre-activity: The teacher enters into the class and shows the picture of little red riding hood. To activate their schema, she gives some pictures to paint. There are five pictures. The teacher want them to paint and write what the picture is about, just one sentence such as 'she meets the wolf'.
During activity: After the students paint their pictures, the teacher begin to tell the story by using the board. She has three animal pictures and a path, a home picture. By using these pictures, she tells the story. She also use her mimics and gestures.
Post-activity: After she finishes her part 'telling the story', she wants the students to practice what she has told. She makes dramatization. She wants the students to act out by using the little red riding hood corner.

Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood lives in a wood with her mother. One day Little Red Riding Hood go to see her grandma Granny. She has a nice cake in her basket. On her way, she meets a wolf .
The wolf asks 'where are you going?
Little riding hood says 'I am going to see my grandma. She lives in a house behind those trees.
The wolf run to the Granny's house and eat Granny. On her way, she meets a rabbit. Little Riding Hood ask to the rabbit.
'Oh, rabbit what is the matter with you?' 
The rabbit says I have got a cut.
She takes a plaster from her basket and says 'you should use this plaster'.
A little later, Little Red Riding Hood sees a turtle on her way. She recognize he is ill and asks him
' what is the matter with you?',
 The turtle says I have got a backache.
 The clever little riding hood says 'you shouldn't carry your shell all the time.
On her way, the little riding hood meets a bear.
The bear says: 'Little riding hood, I have got a fever.'
The little riding hood takes a thermometer and says you should take a shower.'
Finally, she reaches her grandma's house. She looks at the wolf.
 She says 'Granny, what a big eyes you have.'
 'All the better to see you' says woof.
She says ' Granny,what a big ears you have'
'All the better to hear you' says the wolf.
She says ' Granny, what a big stomach you have , I think you have got a stomachache.'

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