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Friday, April 12, 2013

4th Grade Unit 13: Toys (Storytelling Activities)

ELT  3-A


Subject / Unit: Toys / Unit 13

Level: 4th graders

The Language Point: Have got – Has got, There is – There are, Prepositions, Adjectives

Aims: Students are able;

to learn new words about toys through story and illustrations.
to make guesses about what happens next in the story.
to develop cultural awareness.
to learn specific structures with repetitive dialogues.
to act out a scene they have only listened and imagined
to enjoy the story telling activity and have fun while learning the language.

Stage 1: Pre-storytelling Activities


The teacher asks students their favourite toys and tries to receive as various as possible answers. Then she opens the PPP of toy pictures and asks who has got that toy in every picture to tap their background knowledge about “have got” structure. At the end of the presentation, she asks them whether they share their toys with their friends or not. Later, she says that she is going to tell them a story about toys and importance of sharing. She opens the presentation file of illustrations of the story and passes the slides quickly. Then she asks students to make guesses about what is going on through the story.

Materials: PPP of toy pictures (toys.pptx), PPP of illustrations (illustrations of the story.pptx)

Stage 2: While-storytelling Activities


            The teacher begins to tell the story accompanied by the illustrations of it via PPP. Students listen to her and watch the slides, so they can imagine the story. In some parts, she stops telling and asks them to guess what happens next. After she has finished the story, she asks students to tell the story together for the second time. In the repetitive parts, she randomly asks a student to continue the story.

Materials: PPP of illustrations of the story (illustrations of the story.pptx), The story: Charlie and Michael


            Charlie is a rich boy and he has many various toys. His family has a lot of money, and whenever he likes something, they buy it for him. One day, their new neighbours’ son Michael comes their home. He goes upstairs and enters Charlie’s room. Michael cannot believe his eyes. The room is full of toys: cars, teddy bears, robots, balls, planes, trucks, blocks, computer and many more. He always dreams about such toys.
Then Charlie says “Welcome! My name is Charlie, what’s your name?”
Michael answers: “My name is Michael. Nice to meet you.”
Charlie says: “Nice to meet you, too.”
Michael points to the toys and says: “You have got a beautiful room and wonderful toys!”
Charlie smiles and says: “Thank you! Come, I show you my toys.”
Michael follows him curiously.
Charlie shows his cars and says: “Look! These are my cars. I have got 3 cars. There are a yellow, a red and a black car.”
Michael says: “They look great!”
Charlie goes to the corner and shows the balls: “These are my balls. I have got 3 balls. There are a football, a basketball and a volleyball. There are a lot of marbles also.”
Michael looks at colourful marbles and says: “Wow!
Charlie sits next to a table and says: “And this is my train set. I like spend time with it.”
Michael wonders: “What’s your favourite toy?”
Charlie runs to the other side of room and Michael follows him. Charlie shows the robots in his hands and says excitedly: “Here! These are my robots. I have got two robots. There is a button behind them. When you push it, they walk and speak.”
Michael becomes excited also and says: “This is awesome! I wish I had one of them.”
              Charlie offers to play with the toys. Michael is happy to have such a good friend. They spend joyful time together. An hour later, Michael’s mother calls him and they go home. Charlie is sad because he feels alone. He goes to his mother and talks to her about their new neighbours. His mother Jane says “Michael’s family is not rich. So, they cannot buy him lots of toys. I am glad that you share yours with him.” Charlie feels sorrow for his friend and an idea comes to his mind. He goes his room and picks one of his toys. He puts it in a gift box and goes to Michael’s home. He knocks the door and Michael opens it.
Charlie gives the gift box to Michael and says “I am sure that you will be my best friend! It is a gift from me, please accept it.”
Michael does not know what to say and opens the box. There is one of the robots in it. He hugs Charlie and says: “Thank you! This is the best gift I have ever had. I am also sure that you will be my best friend!”

Stage 3: Post-storytelling Activities


            Teacher asks comprehension questions about the story she have told. Then students are asked to work in pairs for the role-play activity. One of them chooses to play Charlie whereas the other one plays Michael. They are given some time to be prepared and then, partners act out the story in front of the class one by one.

Materials: ---


Kahraman, A. G. & Kahraman, B. English Student’s Book for 4th Graders, SEK Publishing,                    
Ministry of National Education

Ministry of National Education (2006). English Language Curriculum for Primary Education        
(Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8) Ankara

Cameron, L. (2001) Teaching Languages to Young Learners. Cambridge University Press

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