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Friday, April 12, 2013

School life unit 4

UNIT: Classroom  Rules
GRAMMAR POINTS:  Imperative forms
ACTIVITY 1:Presenting the topic(imperative forms) with  a fairy tale
1.     To comprehend the  imperative forms thanks to  the fairy tale( Alaaddin’s magic map)
2.     To comprehend the meaning of  the classroom rules by demonstration. 
3.     To teach the classroom rules in a fun way
4.     To be able to create positive attitudes toward learning
5.     5.To be able to  understand the story  with dialogues ,repetitions

    MATERIALS:  A  fairy tale book prepared with  cartoons and pictures.  Pictures that demonsrate the classroom rules. A lamp prepared with  a yellow cartoon and a sticker.

PRE-STORY TELLİNG: The teacher comes to the class with materials prepared by her. She greets them She shows them pictures on the board.She asks    have you a prediction about these pictures ? The students say their predictions.The teacher listen them but she say nothing .She says that she will explain later whether their predictions are true or not. Later, she shows them a book and  asks “ What is this ?”The students answer “ a book”.The teacher says that  this is a book but this is a different book,this is a fairy tale book. Then she asks that “ Do you like fairy tales?” When  the children responds “ Yes” ,she starts to read it. He uses  mimics , gestures , body movements. He   gives attention to  pronunciation and intonation. In dialogues , he  tries to  disguise his own voice to act as a character.

                                ALAADDİN’S MAGİC  LAMP                 
    Ruhican ,Tikican and Alican are very crazy and naughty  students in the classroom.They are the most naughty students.They don’t listen  to the teacher carefully,they sleep in the classroom and they run in the classroom. One day, they walk into the garden.Suddenly, they notice one thing.This is very interesting.They approach it slowly.They are very surprised. Tikican picks up the lamp. He asks “What is this?”. He thinks that this is a magic lamp.He rubs lamp’s edge. They are  very afraid; because  a big gin rises. Alican says with a great fear “ What is happening?, What is this?”. They hug each other.
Ruhican asks : “ Who are you?”.
Gin starts to speak: I am a gin.My name is Alaaddin.What do you want from me? I will do your demands.This is not a dream.
Children look at each other.After a short time, Ruhican answers: “I want to be rich uncle gin L
Gin: This is very easy.Be happy Ruhican;but I have a condition.If  you follow the classroom rule I will say , your demand will be real. This is classroom rule is that  you don’t sleep in the class.This is a bad behaviour.  
Ruhican : Okey okey .O f course I will.   
Tikican   continue: “ I want an invisible coat.”
Gin : If you  are a good boy and you don’t run in the classroom  ,I will do your demand.
Tikican: I promise that  I will not run in the classroom.
Alican says: I want have to many Eti Cin :J Because they are vey delicious.
Gin:Okey but you should  raise your hand when you want to talk and you should listen to the teacher carefully. If you  can these,  you will have many Eti Cin Alican.           
     They run into the class.Their behaviours changes fastly.They decide to change themselves.They obey the classroom rules. Now they are smart.
     After one week, they speak with the gin again.They say that   we  are following  the classroom rules.
Gin speaks:  Oooo good job children.You are perpect.Your demands will ocur within three days.
     So,Ruhican, Alican an Tikican become happy then..      

Notes: I adapted it from original form. I  wrote it myself.   ( sınıfta örnek olarak sunmuştum sizin dediğiniz gibi değiştirdim .istekleri diyolog şeklinde tek tek yazdım  )     
POST-STORY TELLİNG:The animation about classroom rules.
MATERIALS: Cue cards which have cues about they will say
AIMS: .To teach classroom rules in a fun way
             To provide the students to practice  about speaking
              2.To encourage them to speak
Procedure: After the teacher  finishes the fairy tale, she asks that “Did you like  it?” She says that these pictures are about the classroom rules. She repeats the classroom rules by showing  pictures on the board.The teacher wants students to animate about this fairy tale. She chooses four voluntary students ( Alican,R uhican,Tikican and gin) The teacher gives them some time for preparation.After they are ready, they animate it in front of class.
                                                                                      AFRA ACAR

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