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Monday, April 1, 2013

Teaching Pronunciation, 4th grade, Unit 12 Seasons,

Sibel Serdaroğlu
10131065 3-B

Textbook: Primary English Student’s Book
Grade: 4th
Unit 12: Seasons / Weather Conditions
Language Point:  Let’s / Adjectives
Materials: The pictures

Firstly; the teacher shows nine pictures. These are ice-cream, raincoat, scarf, umbrella, hat, sunglasses, swimming, snowman, cloud. She pronounces all of them one by one and wants students to repeat these words.
The Activity: How do you say?
The Aim of the Activity: One of the most important matters is focusing on difficult sounds’ pronunciation. This activity helps students to work in a fun and collaborative way on how to pronounce the words properly
1.       Procedure
The teacher put the students in groups of five or six. Each student has a number according to number of the letters. The teacher spells out a word, e.g. R-A-I-N-C-O-A-T. Each group works together to pronounce it well. The teacher asks one student in each group to say the word. Pick the student number at random, e.g. number five goes first. The student says the word loudly and clearly, but does not shout it. The teacher keeps a score on a piece of paper for each group and each good pronunciation gets a point. A few students pronounce the word and get the whole class to practice the pronunciation a few times. Later, move on to next word, each time the teacher asks the students to say the word for you, appoint to another team member by their number. The teacher can also ask the students to prepare words for each other and play the game in groups.

The Activity: Sound Bingo
The Aim of Activity: Students try to predict the words by looking at the first letter sound so that they both learn the words and pronounce them correctly. They will be more conscious about pronunciation and develop their predicting skills.
The Material: Pictures ( that are used in presentation part) 
1.      Procedure
The teacher sticks the pictures on the board and writes the beginning letter sounds of words. For example, the teacher writes “u” letter sound near the umbrella picture and wants the students to predict the word as a whole. Later the student who completes the sound letter pronounces the words a few times. For instance another student tries to predict by looking at the letter sound list. There is the picture of swimming and “s” sound is given to students so that students complete letters and match the picture. This activity goes on until it lasts.

The Activity: Whisper Game
The Aim of the Activity: This activity is a good way to practice pronunciation, and it is really enjoyed by young learners. Students can also improve their listening and speaking skills.

1.      Procedure
The teacher puts the students in groups of four and tells the four different sentences to a student from each group. These sentences are given below.
Group A: The weather was very cloudy yesterday.
Group B: The weather is sunny, let’s have a picnic.
Group C: What is the weather like today?
Group D: It is raining now. Take your umbrella.

All groups try to transmit the sentence correctly what they hear. At the end of the game, the teacher wants the last person to tell the sentence loudly so that they can learn whether it is correct sentence or not. Students have fun by learning and pay attention to follow the sentence.

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