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Friday, April 5, 2013

5th grade, Unit 10 Cartoon Characters, Teaching Story Activities

                                    CARTOON CHARACTERS ARE MEETING
            One day a TV channel decides to invite famous cartoon characters in a program. They want to introduce cartoon characters to children all over the world. Unfortunately, some of the characters accept their proposal because they like children so much. Then, the program starts and the children wait for them.
            Their first guest is Popeye the Sailor Man. The speaker asks ‘what are you like? Can you introduce yourself to children?’ And he says ‘hi children. I am Popeye The Sailor man. I am a strong man.’ Then, the speaker asks ‘what do you like?’ He says ‘I like eating spinach. The speaker says ‘thank you Popeye the sailor man.’
            Their second guest is Bugs Bunny.  The Speaker asks ‘what are you like? Can you introduce yourself to children?’And Bugs Bunny says ‘hi children, I am Bugs bunny. I am a grey rabbit. Then, the speaker asks ‘what do you like?’ Bugs Bunny says ‘I like eating carrot. Then, the speaker says ‘thank you Bugs bunny.’
            Their third guest is Jerry. Speaker asks ‘what are you like? Can you introduce yourself to children?’ and Jerry says ‘hi children, I am jerry, I am a brown mice. Then, the speaker asks ‘what do you like?’Jerry says ‘I like eating cheese but I don’t like Tom’ all the guests start to laugh. Then, the speaker says ‘thank you Jerry.’
            Their final guest is Lucky Luke. Speaker asks ‘what are you like? Can you introduce yourself to children?’ and Lucky Luke says ‘hi children, I am Lucky Luke. I am a tall and thin man. Then, the speaker asks ‘what do you like?’He says ‘I like my horse. Its name is Jolly Jumper but I don’t like Dalton Brothers.’ Again, they start to laugh. Then, the speaker says ‘thank you Lucky Luke.
            Finally, the program is finished and the speaker says ‘thank you for your participation and good luck.’

                                                                                  BÜŞRA BAHAR 09131017   3-A


                                               LESSON PLAN

Grade:                       5

Subject:                     Cartoon characters

Materials:                  a story that the teacher create, flash cards including cartoon characters’ picture and food pictures, worksheet that includes questions about the story and the subject studied.

1-      ) Students will be introduced some cartoon characters. (Popeye the sailor man, bugs bunny, Jerry, Lucky Luke.)
2-      ) Students will listen to a story and learn key adjectives. (Strong, tall, thin and so on.)
3-      ) Students will learn the name of the foods that cartoon characters like. (Spinach, carrot, cheese and so on.)
4-      ) Students will create sentences about the cartoon characters by using ‘like, don’t like, dislike’ structure.
5-      ) Students will study in pairs in a cooperative way.

I-) Planning:
1- ) Students will do brainstorming,
2- ) Students will try to remember cartoon characters’ names and their features.
            Teacher asks questions about cartoon characters. He or she asks ‘do you like cartoon characters, what is your favorite cartoon character and so on.’ Learners try to remember cartoon characters, their names and their features.
II-) Presentation:
1-      ) Students will listen to the story that teacher created,
2-      ) Students will try to understand story with teacher’s voice, gestures, mimics and intonation.
Teacher asks ‘do you like story or do you know any story?’ Then, teacher starts to tell the story. While telling the story, teacher shows the pictures. For example, if he or she talks about Popeye the sailor man, she shows the picture of Popeye The sailor man or when she says ‘Popeye the sailor man likes eating spinach, teacher shows the picture of spinach. The story is told with the help of pictures.
III-) Practice:
1-      ) Students will study on the subject.
2-      ) Students will create some sentences based on the story they listen.
3-      ) Students will work in pairs in a cooperative way.
4-      ) Students will do role- play.
Activity 1:After telling the story, teacher asks ‘do you like story and ask for summarizing the story. They try to summarize the story together. Then, teacher shows a powerpoint presentation. The presentation includes the pictures of cartoon characters and tehir favorite foods. Teacher asks questions about the characters in an order. Teacher selects the students randomly attract their attention so they retell the story all together.
Activity 2: After studying the story, learners work in groups. and each group has include 5 students. One of them will be the speaker, one of them will be Jerry, one of them will be Bugs Bunny, one of them will be popeye the sailor man, one of them will bu lucky luke. They are supposed to create a dialogue. After they finish creating dialogue, they do role-play in front of the class with the cartoon characters’ masks.
                                                           BÜŞRA BAHAR   09131017    3-A

ppt presentation

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