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Friday, April 12, 2013

4th Grade Unit 7 Pets Pronunciation Activities


Grade: 4
Unit: pets
Pronunciation Point: numbers (11-20) and the names of pets –my part is numbers.
Materials: a song about numbers, colorful cardboards (yellow, brown, green, blue) to create a farm or forest, pictures of pets, colorful papers to write the numbers and patafix, a box, 10 table tennis balls, colorful papers and board marker.

ü  Students learn the pronunciation of numbers

ü  Students learn how we use mouth while pronouncing numbers

ü  Students learn to use numbers in dialogs



Activity 1: Listen and Repeat

Materials: a song about numbers.

Aim: In this activity students listen to the song and hear how the numbers are pronounced.

Step: Students likes listen to songs so it may be suitable to use a song to teach the pronunciation. Teacher starts the song and say them listen to the song carefully. Then the teacher wants them to listen again but repeat each number this time during the song. Lastly, the teacher says the numbers with song and students repeat after him/her.

Activity 2: Silently Mouthing

Aim: To attract students’ attention to the production of sounds. With this activity students focus on teacher’s mouth so they learn how the numbers are pronounced.

Step: Teacher says one of the numbers silently and wants students guess which number it is. Then s/he says another number and students try to guess. The activity goes on like that.


Activity 1: Numbers Farm

Materials: colorful cardboards (yellow, brown, green, blue) to create a farm or forest, pictures of pets, colorful papers to write the numbers and patafix.

Aim: To force students to pronounce the numbers with the help of enjoyable materials.

Step: Before the class, teacher prepares the pieces of the farm like sun, tree, river, parrot, grass, cat, rabbit, fish, and dog and then s/he gives numbers to them as 11, 12, 13… S/he writes the numbers on the colorful papers as eleven, twelve, thirteen…

In the class the teacher puts the colorful papers to the places on the board which s/he has decided before. After that, s/he chooses one of the students and wants him/her to choose one piece on the table and stick to the board according to its number. After the student has put the piece, s/he says the number loudly and the others repeat after him/her. The game goes on like that and at the final they complete the whole picture on the board together.

Activity 2: Lucky Ball

Materials: a box, 10 table tennis balls, colorful papers and board marker.

Aim: To make students practice the pronunciation by playing a game.

Step: The teacher has prepared small colorful papers by writing four numbers on them and a box. S/he has written the numbers on the balls with board marker. Then in the class, the teacher gives colorful papers to everyone and tells to them that s/he chooses four balls and says the numbers on them. After that the student who has the numbers or nearest numbers, read the numbers. Then, the teacher selects a student and s/he chooses four balls from the box and says the numbers. The one who has the nearest numbers read the numbers. The game goes on like that.



Brewster, J.& Ellis, G. (2002). The Primary English Teacher’s Guide. England: Penguin English.



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