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Friday, April 12, 2013

4th Grade Unit 7 Pets Storytelling




UNIT 7: Pets

GRADE: 4th

MATERIALS: A stage, puppets, pictures, Ppt presentation, worksheets
Ppt presentation: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3blw9ivCFmvOWtfak1Wam4ySWc/edit?usp=sharing
GRAMMAR POINT: I have got… (Legs, ears, eyes, tail)

VOCABULARY POINT: The names and body parts of pets

AIMS: Vocabulary aims:

ü  To learn the names of pets and their body parts.

ü  To remember some known words

Linguistic aims:

ü  To learn chunks, repetitions about pets’ qualifications.

ü  To make students familiar to some adjectives and the structures of the sentences.

Cognitive aims:

ü  To be aware of conversations and learn to use dialogues.

Psychological aims:

ü  To make students learn new items or be much more familiar to the items in a stress-free environment.


Aim: To make students focus on storytelling and prepare them for the story.

Teacher asks some general questions to prepare the students for storytelling like “ do you like stories and tales?, Which stories or tales do you know?,  do you read tales?”

Then, teacher shows the characters that s/he will use in storytelling via a PowerPoint presentation. S/he makes students to remember pets and their qualifications.


Aims: To help learners comprehend pets’ names and their qualifications by providing enjoyable learning environment via storytelling.

To make the structures and some words permanent in students’ mind.

Activity 1: Telling the story named “Snow White and Seven Pets”

Materials: A Stage, Puppets and pictures

Procedure: Teacher tells the story. While telling the story, teacher asks students make some predictions.


Snow White and Seven Pets

Once upon a time there is a beautiful girl. Her name is Snow white. She is friendly. She likes animals very much. But her step-mother is not friendly. Her step-mother is beautiful. But she is jealous of Snow White. Snow White is more beautiful than her step-mother. One day, step-mother calls a hunter and says:

-Take Snow White to the forest. I don’t want her. Kill her

Hunter says:


Hunter takes Snow White to the forest. He feels sorry for Snow White. He can’t kill her. She is very friendly and beautiful. Hunter says:

-Run Snow White. I can’t kill you. Run.

Snow White says:

-Thank you. You are a good person.

And then Snow White runs. But she doesn’t know anywhere. She doesn’t know the forest. She walks and walks and walks. Suddenly she hears something. There is something behind the shrub. Snow White asks:

-Who are you?

It says behind the shrub:

-I am brown, my name is Rex

I have got a long tail and four legs.

Snow White says:

-You are a dog.

Dog comes and helps Snow White. They walk in the forest. Suddenly Rex stops and says:

-I don’t know the way from here. Take care, Snow White.

The dog goes and Snow White walks. Suddenly she hears something and asks:

-Who are you?

-I have got two short legs and two long legs

My name is Rogers

I have got a small tail and big ears.

Snow White says:

-You are a rabbit.

Rabbit and Snow White walk in the forest. Then rabbit stops and says:

-I don’t know the way from here. Take care.

Snow white walks in the forest and see sa river. Suddenly she hears something.

-Who are you?

-I am white and red

I haven’t got a leg

My name is Abigail

I have a big tail.

Snow White says:

-You are a fish.

Snow White and fish cross the river. Abigail stops and says:

-I don’t know the way from here. Snow White, take care.

Snow White hears something and asks:

-Who are you?

-I have got a long tail and four legs

My name is Alex

I am grey and black

Have you got an egg?

Snow White says:

-You are a cat.

Alex helps Snow White and they walk in the forest. Suddenly Alex stops and says:

-I don’t know the way from here. Take care.

Snow White goes from forest. She doesn’t know anywhere. Then she hears something on the tree. She asks:

-Who are you?

-I’m yellow

My name is Melow

I have got two legs and small eyes

You look really nice.

Snow white says:

-You are a bird.

Melow flies and Snow White walks. Then Melow stops and says:

-Idon’t know the way from here. Take care.

Snow White walks and she sees something in the sky. She says:

-Who are you?

-I am blue and red

My name is Fred

I have two legs and a long tail

Snow White, you look ill.

Snow White says:

-You are a parrot.

The parrot knows the palace and helps Snow White. Finally they come to the palace. Fred says:

-I don’t know the entrance. Take care.

Snow White walks and hears something. She asks:

-Who are you?

-I have got four short legs and a small tail

Hi Snow White, my name is Gill

I am brown and small

You are really tall.

Snow white says:

-You are a hamster. Do you know the entrance?

-Yes, I know the way of kitchen.

Snow white and Gill enter the kitchen. She thanks all pets. She looks at the palace but it isn't not her palace. Seven pets love Snow White and they bring her to their palace. Snow White becomes the queen of the forest and they all live happily ever after.

Activity 2: Matching game and retelling

Materials: worksheets

The teacher gives students worksheets which includes pets’ pictures and their qualifications in the story. Students match the pictures with their qualifications. And then the volunteer ones retell one of the parts of the story according to the pet which they have chosen.


Activity: The teacher makes them in groups and asks to change the end of Snow White and Seven Pets.



  • Brewster, J.& Ellis, G. (2002). The Primary English Teacher’s Guide. England: Penguin English.


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