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Thursday, April 4, 2013

4th Grade Unit 7 Pets Pronunciation Activities

                                                               Ceyhan Tan


GRADE: 4th

Language point: Students learn to pronounce the names of pets (hamster, puppy, kitten, and cat)


·         Children learn how to pronounce the words that they have learned.

·         Teacher raises children awareness of good pronunciation by using a song and a colorful presentation.

·         Thanks to an enjoyable environment, students learn how to pronounce the names of pets in a good way (rabbit, bird, cat, parrot, dog, hamster, and fish)


Materials: A song which is taken from the 4th grade students’ book written by Bahattin KAHRAMAN and Ayşe Gökçe KARATAŞ KAHRAMAN and presentation. Some cards on which there are different tongue twisters related to topic. Two puppets, some cards on which there are some sentences related to song.




Listening a song

     Teacher comes to class and asks some questions to his/her students about pets. After the questions, he/she wants them to listen to the song that he/she has arranged for them. Firstly, students listen to song two times and try to focus on the pronunciation of the words. Secondly, teacher opens the presentation and children see the written form of the song. Later, teacher wants them to listen to the song for the last time by following the presentation. Students both listen to the song and trying to sing it by following the presentation.

Lyrics of the song;

Pet pet pet! My pet is a cat!
Where is the cat?
It’s on the mat.
Pet pet pet! My pet is a puppy.
Where is the puppy?
It’s on the balcony.
Pet pet pet! My pet is hamster.
Where is the hamster?
It’s next to my sister.
Pet pet pet! My pet is a kitten!
Where is the kitten?
It’s in the kitchen!




1-Whisper game 

      Teacher has a whisper game for his/her students in this part. He/she comes to class with different enjoyable tongue twisters written on the colorful cards. He/she wants them to be three groups. Teacher writes the names of groups to the board like; A, B or C and sticks tongue twister cards under the group names by closing the sentences. Students create their groups and teacher wants them to stand up and create the shape of train by turning their backs to each other. Teacher comes to end of the train and whispers a tongue twister to a student. The tongue twister comes to the first student in front of the train. The student first tells the tongue twister and later comes to board, opens the tongue twister to check whether it’s correct or not. If it’s correct, the group gains the point and at the end of the game teacher declares the winner group.

2-Puppet show

     In this part, firstly teacher sticks the cards randomly on the board and takes students to the board in pairs. Two students come to board and match the cards, later take puppets and begin to sing the song’s first or second stanza which is determined by the cards that they match.  While singing the song they are supposed to vary the stress and intonation for an enjoying environment. This game goes on like this until nearly all students participate to the game.


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