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Thursday, April 4, 2013

4th Grade unit 7 Pets Grammar Activities

                                                    Ceyhan Tan
                                                    09131065- 3/B



GRADE: 4th

Language point: Have/has got, descriptions of pets, some adjectives like small, big (I have got a pet. It is a dog (or a rabbit, fish, bird, parrot, hamster, cat) it has got a long/short tail, it has got two…? It is yellow/Brown…? This pet is a dog. This pet is a ….? ) 


·         Teacher use colorful pictures, an enjoying song and a PowerPoint presentation to draw the attention of students.

·         Students learn to share their knowledge with each other, they learn to work collaboratively.

·         They learn grammar rules in an enjoyable way and they also try to communicate with each other by participating in group works.

Materials: A pencil and a paper for drawing or writing a dialogue, 7 pictures of pets and 7 cards for the pets’ descriptions, a song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHTORV9x0HI) ,PowerPoint presentation, picture cards.




Listening a song and question answer activity;

      Teacher comes to class happily and begins to sing a song about pets. After she/he has finished her/his song, she/he says that “I am so happy today because I went to a pet shop and got a lovely hamster in the morning”. She/he says that “I love pets very much and I also have got two dogs in my house”. She/he asks students some questions like; “Have you got a pet in your home? Do you love pets? Do you want to have a pet in your home?  After this question part has finished, she/he expresses the today’s topic which is about pets. She/he gives information to the students by saying that today we will learn 7 pets( dog, hamster, cat, rabbit, bird, fish and parrot) and I think you will like them very much so let’s start with a song. They first listen to the song just for fun and later they listen to it again for the second time by trying to sing it all together. After the song has finished, teacher begins to show some pictures that belong to 7 pets. While showing the pictures one by one, also there is a PowerPoint presentation about the pets on the board. Teacher first shows the picture and describes it, then at the same time students both look the pictures and the presentation on which there is both pets’ big pictures and their descriptions. Students both see the pictures and their descriptions in written form thanks to PowerPoint presentation. After showing pictures and expressing their descriptions, teacher asks some questions to students to understand whether they understand the topic or not. 

            PowerPoint: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BzefU-f5Bl-odEV4ZEVWd3FWQjA/edit?usp=sharing                              


Matching game;
     In this part teacher has an activity of matching. To remind 7 pets again to them, teacher shows the pictures one by one and while showing a picture in her/his hand, she/he also wants them to predict the pet. Firstly, she/he says that this pet is a….?  And then students predict the pet. Secondly, teacher shows 7 cards on which there are descriptions of the pets, and says that now they have a matching game. She/he puts the pictures on the desk’s one side and the cards on the other side. She/he first makes a clear explanation about the matching game and shows the game in a clear way. She/he chooses a card on which there are the descriptions and sticks it on the board. She/he takes a student near him and wants him/her to match the descriptions with the picture. Students first come and read it, later match them with the correct pictures one by one. After matching them, they also read the sentences written below the pictures. This will go on like that.

Drawing a picture or making a dialogue;
      In this part there is a drawing activity. Before beginning this activity, teacher wants them to imagine their favorite pet and draw its picture. Firstly, she/he wants them to draw it and later write three descriptions under the picture of the pet. She/he gives them a few minutes and in that time students prepare their drawings. After students have finished it, teacher first takes the volunteers to the board and later students are taken one by one to show their pictures and tell their descriptions. Or there can be a writing activity in this part. Before beginning this activity, teacher informs students about choosing some of them randomly to come to the board and wants them to read their dialogues in front of their friends. She/he wants them to be in pairs for making a dialogue about their favorite pets and write their some features by using a few words. She/he gives them five minutes and walks around the classroom continuously. Both students write their pets’ features by making a dialogue and come to the board to present it to their friends. Teacher chooses randomly so they all have to prepare it.


·         Harmer, J. (2007). The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Longman.

·         Brewster, J. & Ellis, G. (2002). The Primary English Teacher’s Guide. England: Penguin English

·         Cameron, L. (2001) Teaching Languages to Young Learners/ Learning Grammar. Cambridge University Press.















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