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An ideal foreign (English) teacher: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=99bad792cd3f4541a703632fbc803f30

Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Monday, March 18, 2013

5th Grade Unit 7 Likes Dislikes

    Özge Halıcı

Lesson: English
Unit: Likes/Dislikes
Class: 5
Materials: pictures and cartoons that include fruits and vegetables ,cardboards ( on which
there are pictures of some food and drinks and their names separately.)
Vocabulary Items that are Supposed To Be Learnt:  carrot, orange, egg, cake, onion,
 apple, and ice cream.

  aims of the story:
1.      Teacher will draw students’ attention telling the story.
2.      Students will be able to make connections between the pictures and the fruits and vegetables.
1.      Teacher says that she wants to tell a story about a boy and his experience. This story, made up by the teacher, includes some specific vocabulary items related to the Unit. These vocabulary items are about the food and drinks.
2.      She starts to tell the story. While telling it, she shows some pictures to emphasizes the names of food and drinks. For example, she says “cake” and shows the picture of the cake.
3.      . Then , she puts the picture on the board. These pictures include both the pictures of food and drinks and the spelling of these words.

With the help of the pictures, students combine the words and the meanings of the words. In addition, they can see the spelling of the word. They are also hearing the pronunciations of the words while the teacher is telling the story.

Aims of these two activities:
1.      Students will be able to use and practice these words.
2.      They will be aware of how to use these words in a context.
3.      Because they match these words with their pictures, they won’t forget them easily.
1.      After the teacher presents the new vocabulary items and students see and hear them, the teacher says “ Let’s do an activity”. She sticks the pictures of the fruits and vegetables and their names to the board randomly.
2.       Then, she says “I want you to match these pictures and their names appropriately, and say a sentence.” For example , one of the students comes and matches them.
3.      Then , the teacher can ask a question about the picture such as “ Does the baby in the picture likes lemon?
 “ While doing this, students use these new words and practice about how these words are used and pronounced. They manipulate the language.

(I put the pictures that will be matched with these words here)

Activity 2:
1.      After this activity, teacher says “ We’ll make a competition” She divides the students into two groups
2.      Then, she says” I will show you some pictures which are related to the fruits and vegetables we learned and you will come and try to write a sentence about the picture. Who writes first will take a plus for his/her group” (For example, teacher show a carrot picture and two students come to the board and try to write a sentence such as “ I like carrots or he doesn’t like carrots.”)
Because they compete with each other, they will have fun. As they are entertaining, they will use the new words and their usages.

Aims of the activity:
1.      Students will be able to create their own poster using these words and structures.
2.      Categorizing helps them remember these words easily.
1.      After students use these word and learn them and their pronunciations, spelling, teacher says “ I want you to prepare a poster individually.”
2.      Then she says” To achieve this, you will categorize the food and drinks we learned according to their colors. While categorizing them, you will draw these food and drinks and write the names of them near the pictures. Then, you will come to the board and present your product.”
3.      That’s why she hands out papers to the students .

 Because they create their food and drinks posters on their own, they won’t forget these words their pronunciations and how to use them easily.

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