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Friday, April 12, 2013

Teaching Vocabulary, Unit 14 Physical Appearance, Vocabulary Activities

Pelin Serin
10131067 3-B
Textbook: Primary English Student’s Book
Grade: 4th
Unit 14: Physical Appearance
Language Point: Descriptive adjectives: tall-short, curly-straight, dark-fair, long-short,
young- old, fat-thin, etc.
Time: 40 min.


1.            Students simply describe his/her physical appearance.
2.            Students make sentences in their daily life with the structures learned in the lesson.
3.            Students use as many words as possible.

TECHNIQUES: Pair work, group work, story writing.
MATERIALS:  Powerpoint presentations.
presentations:  https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6loMbYL6mE7eW9kelZQWnd2M1k/edit?usp=sharing


Activity: Like a Mirror
Teacher greets students and presents a power point presentation including adjectives and related pictures. Teacher pronounces the adjectives by using her body language as much as possible with exaggerating mimics and gestures and asks them to imitate what their teacher makes.  They act as if they were a mirror and they do what their teacher does with the same action, the same sound.



Activity: Look and Tell
Teacher presents a power point presentation again. In this presentation, there are many pictures of cartoon characters. Teacher wants students to make a group of four or five. Every group tries to tell what they see in the Picture. The most important thing is using as many words as possible. Which group uses maximum vocabulary will be the winner.


Teacher asks students to make a group of four or five and write their own story in five minutes.  After five minutes, each group reads their story and which group uses maximum vocabulary will be the winner.

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