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Participants are needed to fill out two surveys for two researches about prospective English teachers. You can find the links below, thank you.

An ideal foreign (English) teacher: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=99bad792cd3f4541a703632fbc803f30

Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Friday, April 12, 2013

5th Grade Personal Possessions Storytelling

                                                                                         Cansel İSLEK 10131044
Lesson:           English
Grade:            5th

Subject:          Personal possessions – Professionals and their tools

Materials:       A self written story, pictures of professions mentioned in the story

Aims:              To get the students familiar with the professions
Facilitate the learning and memorizing of new vocabulary items

Teach the professions in a meaningful context

Pre-story telling

The teacher starts the lesson by asking the students whether their parents or grandparents have ever told them stories. He continuous asking them whether they like listening to stories or not. After having a short conversation the teacher says that he has brought a very nice story. Afterwards he gives the title of the story ‘Peter and his farm’ and asks the students what it could be about. So he will raise the students’ interest and attention.


Now the teacher starts telling the story. He gives big importance to pronunciation. It is also important that he professionally uses his voice. To be clearer, his voice has to raise and fall according to the story. That means we have to be careful with intonation. Furthermore, he should use his mimics and gestures. This will facilitate the understanding of the story for the students and will make it more interesting. The use of the body language is also important. The teacher has to know the story very well and if needed he has to move in the class accordingly. While telling the story the teacher shows pictures he has prepared before. After he mentions a profession he shows the picture of it. This will again make the story more interesting and help students. When the teacher finishes the story he first asks the students if they liked it. Than he asks them what occupations they could hear in the story. While the students say the occupations the teacher writes them on the board. The teacher also wants to know what they remember from the story and they have a short review.

Post-story telling

After telling the story the teacher builds groups of five people. The group has to choose five occupations from the story. The task is to describe the job of those occupations with help the story. For instance, if they want to describe the policeman they will make sentences just like ‘I am a fireman. I extinguish fire and help people.’ The groups get time to talk about the professions and to practice. Finally, each group presents the occupations they have chosen.

Pictures used while telling the story

The Story

Peter and his farm
Peter is a farmer. He lives on a big and beautiful farm. He has a happy family and a lot of animals. One day, a fire starts on his farm. Peter, the farmer, is very scared. The firemen come to extinguish the fire and rescue Peter and his family. The firemen are very strong and easily extinguish the fire. They also call the ambulance. The ambulance driver drives them to the hospital. At the hospital, first, the doctor checks them. The doctor says that there is nothing bad. Than the nurse bandages the wounds and gives them medicine to reduce the pain. The children feel better and say ‘Thank you’ to the nurse. Afterwards, Peter has to talk with the policemen. The policemen want to know how the fire started and ask some questions to the farmer. The policemen also talk to the firemen. They ask what they know. Because the fire damaged their house they go to a hotel to stay there. At the hotel, there is a professional cook. The cook cooks delicious food. The children love it. After a while Peter, the farmer, calls an engineer. The engineer reconstructs and repairs their house. Two weeks later Peter and his family can go back to their house and the children can go to school again. At school the teacher is very happy to see them again. The children tell their teacher what happened. After school, their father comes to take them home. At the way home their car breaks down. They take it to a repair shop and the mechanics looks at it. The mechanics repairs the car. It is very late now but they are happy that they can go home now. They arrive at home. The mother has prepared dinner. They eat dinner all together and live happily again.

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