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An ideal foreign (English) teacher: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=99bad792cd3f4541a703632fbc803f30

Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

teaching speaking

                                                                                                          SEMA ÖZBEK
                                                                                                          09131055  3/B
                        SPEAKING TEACHING

PRESENT: Watching a video
Materials:  Video

You can find this video from this website :

Aim: It is an activity for the beginning. This video is among three people. Two of them are customers and the other one is the salesman. Students will see how people are shopping, how they want help from the salesman and how they are expressing their needs etc in  this video.
            At the beginning of the lesson, I will show the video. Maybe, we can make them to watch twice or three times. Students will start to see how people are talking while shopping and what the conversation among them is about.

Aim: In this part, the students will start to reinforce what they have learned from the video. Students start to develop their language while acting out. Students begin to use the language in the conversation. They begin to speak at least a little. They will act out spontaneously. We don’t wait how fluently they speak. However, they should start to speak.
            In this activity, students will come to the board in pairs or groups according to the situation. I will give them the topics. They will act out according to which topic they choose.
Some of these topics are:
Ø  Girls who are going to the shopping
Ø  Mother and daughter on the shopping centre
Ø  Gossiping girls about their friend’s clothes
Ø  Girls on the podium etc.
We can enhance the examples.

PRODUCE: Describing the clothes
Aim: It is an activity for the students to reinforce what they have learned from the previous activities. Students start to produce something about the clothes on the aspect of the conversation.
            Students will come to the board one by one. They will look at their friends and start to describe the clothes. They will use the simple language as far as they can speak. I think that describing only clothes and colors are adequate for 4th grades students. They can say “he is wearing a black t-shirt. It is long. I liked it” or “she is wearing the pink skirt. Her skirt is short.”  Their describing can be like this.

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