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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

4th Grade Unit 3 My Family Teaching Grammar

                                                                                                          LATİFE ÖZKAN

             GRAMMAR POINT: This is…
  PURPOSE : The purpose of this activity is to enable students to predict  the members of the family . This activity focuses on listening and writing  . The strategy is listening for specific words that belong to My Family Unit and trying the guess the meaning of words. This acitivity is suitable for predicting part in cognitive strategies. The main purpose is to encourage students to anticipate the general meaning and to involve them actively and personally in the learning process for developing self-confidence. Studens become more aware of what they are learning and learn words with their own efforts.


- Notebook
- Projector
- Picture of family members
- Videos



Firstly; students watch the video and try to predict the meanings of the  words.While watching the video, students concentrate on only main words like father,mother,sister, brother,grandmother and grandfather.Then ; students watch the video again and teacher wants them to take notes to their notebooks what they’ve understood. Also they sing the song which takes place in the video. Then; the students share the words with their deskmates. Teacher takes a Family Picture in his hand and shows the students and wants students to find the family members. For example; when teacher says ‘mother’,students show the picture of mother. Additionally ; teacher shows three more video just for fun.


                        FAMILY FINGER PUPPETS

GRAMMAR POINT: Numbers and have got/ has got
PURPOSE : The purpose in this activity is to give grammar rules implicitly. This activity focuses on writing and speaking. The strategy is memorizing vocabulary with the help of finger puppets and to use grammar rules in the conversations and dialogs. With this activity, students try to understand how the language works. Children practice both grammar rules and words with this activity. They learn grammar rules implicitly.
-          Pencils , books, notebooks
-          Pictures of family members
-          Sticker
-          Dialog
-          Video

A:Ali have you got a sister ?
B: Yes Ayça, I have got three sisters.You?
A:I haven’t got a sister. Have you got a brother ?
B:I have got two brothers.
A:How a nice !

Firstly ; students watch the video in which numbers takes place. They concantrate on how numbers are written. After they learn the numbers, teacher begins to visualize the usage of have got/has got. For example; she takes a pencil to her hand and says ‘I have got a pencil’ or ‘I have  got one pencil’. Then she takes three pencils and says ‘I have three pencils.’ For more practice ; she takes a notebook and says ‘I have a notebook’ . She also takes a book to her hand does the same thing. Then teacher takes the Family Picture to her hand and cuts the members of the family and sticks her fingers and begins to introduce them. Firstly ; she begins with grandmother and she moves her finger and imitates as if she were a grandmother.  She says ‘Hello! I have got  two brothers and a sister. I love them very much.  I have got a car  and I have got two mobile phones.’ She continues with other family members and says similar things. In this way ; students understand grammar point clearly. Then ; teacher gives a dialog to her students and students who are willing act the dialog in the class.



            GRAMMAR POİNT:  Numbers and have got / has got
PURPOSE:  The purpose in this activity is to stimulate students to write their own dialogs by using grammar rules and words that belong to My Unit Family. They do this activity in pairs. Students learn the unit by their own efforts and take part in their learning process. This activity lets to the students to use their imagination and creativity.
Students work in groups in this activity. They take the dialog as a model which they acted. Teacher wants them to use the grammar rules and words  they’ve learnt.They write their own dialogs by using have got/ has got and share the roles . When they finish, they act the dialog in the class.
A:Ali have you got a sister ?
B: Yes Ayça, I have got three sisters.You?
A:I haven’t got a sister. Have you got a brother ?
B:I have got two brothers.
A:How a nice !

1) http://www.ichild.co.uk/tags/browse/25/Role-Play

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