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Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Friday, April 12, 2013

                                                                                         FATMA KARACA
                                                                                         3-A   10131048

                                        TEACHING STORY-TELLING


     The teacher comes to the class with lots of posters and rule cards shaped like a gold. And she asks them some questions such as ‘how are you?, are you interested in stories and fairy tales? And do you know any fairy tales?. The students answer the questions and tell many characters from fairy tales such as Keloğlan, Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs etc. After the teacher activates their schemata about the fairy tales, she passes the story telling part.

THE AIM OF THIS PART: To activate the students’ schemata effectively
                                               To make them aware of their effective learning

                                                   FOUR GOLDEN RULES
     Once upon a time, there is an unhappy and very naughty class in a little town. It is a single class in that town. Since the town is very little, there are very few students in the classroom.
     Nasreddin Hodja is the most brainy person ot the town and he  is the teacher of the class. Unfortunately, all students in the classroom are very naughty and they never listen to the courses.
     Keloğlan  is the most talkative of the class and he always sings songs and plays the wattle on a corner of the classroom.
     Rapunzel has a very very long hair and she always combs her hair and she thinks  her love. And also she disturbs her friends.
     Little Red Riding Hood is a very lost girl and she always thinks her grandmother who is very ill in the forest.
     Snow White is  such a beatiful girl that while she is sleeping in the classroom, the seven dwarfs always watch her during the lessons.
     Shortly, everybody in the classroom is very unhappy and disinterested in the lessons. Therefore, Nasreddin Hodja is very sad for them.
     On that day, Nasreddin Hodja thinks, thinks and thinks. He thinks to make the students to listen the lessons constantly.
     Suddenly, four rules come to his mind ‘four golden classroom rules’. These rules are;
       Listen to each other and the teacher
       Raise your hand before speaking
       Be respectful to everybody
       Don’t sleep in the classroom
     Nasreddin Hodja is very happy since he finds the four classroom rules and he goes to his home. After then, he puts four pieces of gold in his purse.
The next day, Nasreddin Hodja goes to the classroom and shows the purse to the unhappy and naughty students. The students look the golds again and again. Actually they don’t understand why the golds are in here.
Everybody chooses a piece of gold from the purse and Nasreddin Hodja asks that:
-- Look at the back of these golds!
When the students look at the back of them, they see four rules. 
Nasreddin Hodja says again:
-- Take the golds. And goes on speaking: Until that day, you never listen the lessons or me so you feel unhappy and can not learn anything.
as long as you can obey the four classroom rules, you will feel happy and learn a lot of things.
     The students feel very embarrassed and they give a promise to listen the lessons
They obey the rules and they never speak without raising their hands and are respectful to each other. They also study their lessons very much.
     After that day, all of them live in happiness thanks to the classroom rules.


THE AIM OF THE ACTIVITY: To motivate them for listening to a fairy tale about the    classroom rules
                                                      To make the students aware of the topic
                                                      To pay their attention to the classroom rules

MATERIALS: ppt (power point presentation about a fairy tale of the classroom rules) and posters of the characters of the tale

presentation link:

PROCEDURE: The teacher tells the fairy tale to the whole class by using the power point presentation and she shows the posters to the students and sticks them on the board while she is telling the fairy  tale. So the students will obtain some information about the topic and they will enjoy listening a fairy tale about the classroom rules.


THE AIM OF THE ACTIVITY: To teach the students to manipulate the target language
                                                       To be able to match the characters’ posters and actions/rules
                                                       To develop their awareness and understanding of classroom rules

MATERIALS: gold shaped cards written four classroom rules
PROCEDURE: A student who wants to be volunteer comes to the board and s/he observes the whole class and their behaviors. Someone in the classroom don’t obey the rules and some of them always speak and some of them always sleep so on.. and the volunteer student goes to near the student who is sleeping and s/he warns her or him and them s/he gives the one of four golden rules to the sleepy student by saying ‘Don’t sleep in the classroom!’

THE NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: ‘Create Your Own Story’
THE AIM OF THE ACTIVITY: To be able to produce their own story
                                                       To repeat the rules effectively
                                                       To make them use the grammar structure (imperatives)
                                                       To develop their writing skills

MATERIALS: a box including four golden rules
PROCEDURE: The teacher divides the class into four groups and asks them to choose a rule from the box. And then each of the groups will create their own story/ fairy tale about their golden rule. After writing, a representative student from each group comes to the board and tells their studies. 

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