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Friday, April 12, 2013

6th Grade


ELT 10131085

Grade: 6th

Time: 40 minutes

Language point: Future Tense "Will"


1. Students will be able to comprehend the story by listening to it.

2. Students will be able to retell the story.

3. Students will be able to produce their own sentences.

Materials: Song , PowerPoint Presentation (1-2), worksheet
SONG: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwSjUIspnB2Hc283S1ZwVjJ2UWc/edit?usp=sharing
PPT 1 :https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwSjUIspnB2HNWktRjdmdk5xNmM/edit?usp=sharing
PPT 2 : https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwSjUIspnB2HOVlQcjVWT0MtWkU/edit?usp=sharing
Worksheet: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwSjUIspnB2HT3puWFNCOW9YQ3M/edit?usp=sharing



One night Cedric goes to bed early. He has got plans or tomorrow. He thinks and he writes his plans. What will he do tomorrow? He will get up early and he will brush his teeth tomorrow. He will have breakfast tomorrow. He will wear his school uniform tomorrow. He will be in a hurry. But he will miss the bus. He will cry. He will get a taxi. He will meet Chan at school tomorrow. He will be happy. He will have English course tomorrow. He will swim in the school pool tomorrow. He will play drum tomorrow. He will watch Chan tomorrow. He will do his homework. He will ask for money. He will give Chan a present tomorrow. Chan will kiss Cedric tomorrow. He will be angry with Thomas. He will think by the riverside. He will make a cake for Chan. His father will be angry with Cedric. His grandfather will be angry with his father. He will give Chan the cake. He will read a newspaper with his grandfather. He will have dinner. Chan will visit Cedric. Cedric will marry Chen.




Activity: Students will listen to a song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVzE0588GjE) and fill in the blanks in PPT 1

Aims: Students will be able to remember future meaning thanks to the song

         Students will be able to understand that the story aims to teach future meaning

1-      Students listen to a song.

2-      Teacher wants them to pay attention  to the song.

3-      Teacher shows a PPT 1. If necessary, students listen to the song again.

4-      Students fill in the blanks as a warm up activity.

While Story-telling:

Activity: Teacher tells the story. Students try to guess what will happen next.

Aims: Students will be able to match rising tone and falling tone of voice with the body                        language to understand the story.

           They will be able to focus on future meaning of sentences

1-      Teacher tells the story with the help of mimics, gestures, intonation etc.

2-      Students comprehend it by listening to the story and looking at the pictures in PPT 2

3-      Teacher asks ‘what will he do tomorrow?"

4-      Students share their guesses and teacher continues to tell the story.

Post-story telling:


1. Students retell the story by looking at PPP 2 with the help of body language of teacher.

2. Students match the sentences with the appropriate pictures from the story in groups of five .

3. Students write their own plans for tomorrow in groups of five.

Aim:  Students will be able to retell the story and create their own sentences concerning "will"

1-      Students retell the story by looking at pictures. Teacher provides help to make the meaning more clear when necessary.

2-      Teacher hands out worksheet. There are seven pictures from the story on it.

3-      Students match the sentences with the appropriate pictures from the story in groups of five.

4-      They write their plans for tomorrow in groups of five.

5-      They read their future plans for tomorrow.


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