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Participants are needed to fill out two surveys for two researches about prospective English teachers. You can find the links below, thank you.

An ideal foreign (English) teacher: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=99bad792cd3f4541a703632fbc803f30

Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Friday, April 12, 2013

5th Grade Unit 4 Shool Life Storytelling Activities

                                                                                                            SONAY AKÇADAĞ 09131008

MATERIALS: The pictures of the main characters and a powerpoint presentation

You can see the words, and the story with visual support here https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7NiW1aCM7lXNGNxUEZUTWdYUXc/edit?usp=sharing

LANGUAGE POINT: Classroom objects (ruler, rubber, pencil case, book case, book, notebook) Some classroom instructions ( open , close, sit down, take out, put something in)

1)Predicting the content of the story
2)Studying some vocabulary

Aim :

-   to prepare students for the story
-   to activate children’s prior knowledge pre-teaching language that children will not be able to infer from the context
-  to study some classroom objects

Procedure :

1-      A picture of the story of “Ali Baba and The Forty Thieves” will be on PPP. Students try to activate their schemata about that story. There will be some questions. (Do you know this story? Do you like that story? What do you remember?)
2-      Then, the name of our story will be written on the board. ( Three Students and Forty Thieves). Students will try to predict the content of the story.
3-      Some vocabulary which students will not be able to infer from the context (rock, jewelry, thief) will be studied  and then classroom objects will be shown and studied with visual support on PPP.
4-      The main characters will be introduced with their pictures.

                                               THREE STUDENTS AND THE FORTY THIEVES
Once upon a time, there is a small village. In this village, everyone has little money. They are poor but hardworking people. The students in this village are very clever but they haven’t got enough classroom objects in their class. One day, three students walk around the village. Their names are Usher, Reys and Lucke. They haven’t got enough materials in the class so they are free again. They are sorry. Suddenly, they see lots of people with their horses. The children understand that they are thieves and they all climb into a tree for safety. The men arrive next to a rock and one man walks a little way and says : “Open Sesame” Students are all surprised. A door opened in the rocks and forty men with their horses go in. And that man again says : “Close Sesame”. After some time, these forty thieves go out with big bags on them and they leave.

Students are curious. They come in front of the rock and say : “Open Sesame” They go in and see jewelry, gold, and money. They immediately decide to go to the police and tell them everything. The police capture all of them.
The police decide to give all these money, gold and jewelry to the children. Children are so happy because now they can buy school objects for their classroom.

Next day, Usher goes there and says to the rock: “Open Sesame” It opens and Usher goes in and says “Close Sesame” She comes near the money, sits down, takes out a big bag and puts the gold in and she thinks “ Usher! Now you can take ruler and rubber for your class”. Usher goes out buys ruler and rubber for her class.

Next day, Reys goes there and says to the rock: “Open Sesame” It opens and Reys goes in and says “Close Sesame” He comes near the money, sits down, takes out a big bag and puts the gold in and he thinks “ Reys! Now you can take bookcase and pencil case for your class”. Reys goes out buys bookcase and pencil case for his class.

Next day, Lucke goes there and says to the rock: “Open Sesame” It opens and Lucke goes in and says “Close Sesame” He comes near the money, sits down, takes out a big bag and puts the gold in and he thinks “ Lucke! Now you can take book and notebook for your class”. Lucke goes out buys book and notebook for his class.

These three students come to the class and bring their classroom objects. Usher brings ruler and rubber, Reys brings bookcase and pencil case, Lucke brings book and notebook. All of the students are very happy because they have enough materials now. They live happily ever after with their new classroom objects.

1)Telling the story
2)Asking some questions while telling the story
-  To present the target language points and vocabulary in a meaningful context
-  To listen to and predict what comes next
1-      Teacher will tell the story by using visual support on PPP.
2-      While telling, the teacher will stop from time to time and ask questions to students (What does he say?, What does he do?)

1)Trying to act what the teacher says
- To check whether students understand the story or not.
Procedure :
1-      Three students will be chosen
2-      They are given the names of the main characters in the story (Usher, Reys, Lucke)
3-      Each student will try to act according to the some part of the story respectively while the teacher tells that part.

For example, for Usher the teacher starts to tell “Next day, Usher goes there and says to the rock(The student acts and is predicted to say): “Open Sesame”
(The teacher continues) It opens and Usher goes in and says (The student acts and is predicted to say)“Close Sesame”
(The teacher continues and at the same time the student acts the verbs which she hears) she comes near the money, sits down, takes out a big bag and puts the gold in and he thinks (The student is predicted to say)“ Usher! Now you can take ruler and rubber for your class”.

Cameron, Lynne (2001) Teaching Languages to Young Learners/ Learning

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