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Sunday, April 28, 2013

5th Grade Unit 2 Regions Song Activities

                                            NAZAN DÜZGÜN



                             TEACHING  SONG

Unit 2 regions

Grade 5th

Activity singing a song


 To help students learn grammatical forms inductively

To provide students understand messages in the sentences without conscious

To help students overcome barriers in their emotions

To make students pay attention easily.

To give students emotion which makes them try to say with the class.

To  help students correct themselves in terms of pronunciation

To help students make it their own by saying not only in the classroom but also outside classroom

To help students realize that they are saying with collaboration and they are nor only an individual but also a groups in the classroom.

To help the teacher provide rapport with her students.

Material: Powerpoint 
Ppt Presentation:https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-ajVRhGzNWGN014b0g1azJLYWs/edit?usp=sharing


 The teacher comes to the class by saying “hello”. She reminds students what regions are and wants them to listen to the sing which is about regions in Turkey. 


                 The Marmara region, The Marmara region

                 Where is The Marmara region?

                 It is a region, it is a region

                 In the west of Turkey.


                 The Eastern anatolia, the Eastern anatolia

                 Where is  the Eastern anatolia?

                  It is  a region, it is a region

                  In the east of Turkey.


                  The Black sea region, The Black sea region

                  Where is The Black sea region ?

                  It is a region, it is a region

                  In the North of Turkey.


                  The Mediteranean, The Mediterrean,

                  Where is  The Mediterranean?

                  It is a region, It is a region.

                  In the South of Turkey.


                  The Aegean region, The Aegean region

                  Where is The Aegean region?

                  It is a region, it is a region

                  İn Turkey


                  The Southeastern anatoılia,  The Southeastern anatoılia,   

                  Where is The Southeastern anatoılia?   

                  It is a region, it is a region

                  In the southeast of Turkey.


                 The Central anatolia, The Central anatolia

                  Where is The Central anatolia?

                  It is a region, it is a region

                  In Turkey.

Then, the teacher wants students to sing the song once more together.



Aim :This activity helps studdents be aware of whether they learn the song or not.

 The teacher divides students into three group and shows  pictures of regions map which include names of regions and wants students to match them from 1 to 7 number. The teacher also says that they must give numbers according to the song and which group matches more correctly will be winner. For example Marmara region is said firstly in the song.



Aim: This activity helps students make it their own by saying not only in the classroom but also outside classroom

 The teachers wants them to memorize this song and sing it tomorrow in the classroom.





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