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Monday, April 8, 2013

5th Grade Unit 1 My Country Teaching Vocabulary Activities

10131506 3-A



Grade/Unit: 5th Grade- Unit 1

Language point: Countries

Target vocabularies :  (Welcome, friend, flag, apple, weather, ,snowy,country,meet ,city,winter,big and cold)


   1-Students will be able to memorize vocabularies about the unit.
   2-Students will have opportunity to learn a new field of vocabulary
   3-Students have opportunity to use authentic language.
   4-Students will comprehend the meaning of the words from the pictures.

MATERIALS: Puppet, Board, Boardmarker, Powerpoint Presentation.

Beginning the lesson: Teacher enters classroom with puppet to get the student attention. The students interested in puppet. He takes the puppet and introduce the puppet to the class.
Teacher: Hello students. I want to introduce my friend, Kermit.
Kermit : Hello students , my name is Kermit. I’m from Africa.
All students ( say together ): Hello Kermit nice to meet you.
Teacher : he wants to tell story to you. Listen him.

Kermit:    There is a big country. It has nice flag. Kermit is living in a city, Denizli. ‘’Welcome to home’’ writes on his door. One day different students come his course on a winter day . The weather is cold the student has different nationality. Kermit meet with him and give an apple.  Finally, they are friend now. 
Students listen the story and see some picture on slideshow.

Matching the vocabulary with true picture:
Activity 1: The teacher draws some pictures of the words on board and students try to guess ‘’what is it?’’
First he draws Turkish flag, later Turkey Map, later he shows the apple he brings. He explains all of them and asks the students. Students tell him what it is. Additionally, he uses gestures and mimics to explain some vocabularies.
Activity 2: The teacher pastes some pictures of the words on board and its meaning. First, he pastes them according to their meaning. After a few minutes, he mixes them all and wants from the students match them with their meanings.

Producing Part:
In this part, the teacher divides the class into the group of five. He wants from students to write some sentences with the vocabularies they learned. Everybody writes at least one sentence about each word. Later they discuss and choose best one. Groups tell their sentences to the other groups. At the end of the lesson, they vote for the best group.

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