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Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

4th Grade Unit 6 Home Sweet Home Speaking Activities

                                                                                                             Ayşegül Zeybekoğlu


Grade :4

Unit: 6 Home Sweet Home

Languge Skill :Speaking


Activity 1 : Describing a room

- Students will be able to develop their speaking skills with activities
- Students will  be able to use language.
- Students will be able develop their communication abilities in the class.
-Students will be able to pronounce  names of homeware.

Materials: Pictures of the rooms which include the homeware on them.

      Teacher  chooses two students and these students come to the board and one of them chooses a picture.The teacher hangs it on the board. They  make a conversation like that:
A: Which room is it?
B: This is livin room.
A: What are there in this room?
B: There are a sofa , a table, a television in this room.

Activity 2: Guessing  the items

- Students will be able to develop their speaking skills with activities
- Students will be able develop their communication abilities in the class.

Material: The pictures of homeware

      The teacher  chooses a student and gives him or her  a picture without showing  the other students. Students try to find out what  the object is by asking questions.They can use  different types of questions to learn this item of the house.
For example;
-Is it big or small?
-It is big.
-Is it purple and red?
-Is it a sofa?
-Yes it is.

Activity 3 : I Go to the Furniture Shop

- Students will  be able to use language.
-Students will be able to pronounce  names of homeware.
-Students will be able to boost their memory.

Materials: cushions

     The teacher asks students to sit on a circle. One of the students says that ‘I go to the furniture shop and I buy a sofa’ and the next student goes on like this ‘I go to the furniture shop and I buy a sofa and a bed.’  Each student repeats the items which the previous students said and adds another item. The one who makes mistakes the chain starts again.

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