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Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

4th Grade Unit 6 Home Sweet Home Vocabulary Actvites

Ayşegül Zeybekoğlu

Vocabulary  Teaching

Grade: 4

Unit : 6- Home Sweet Home

Vocabularies:  living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, bed, wardrobe,  sofa, television, cupboard, refigrator,cooker,  table, coffe-table,toilet,tap,bathtub
Materials: the pictures of homeware, board and board marker.


Activity : Showing  Vocabulary Cards


Objectives :
-Students will be able to know the meaning of the words when they see the pictures .
-Students will be able to say the names of the words in English.

     First of all,  the teacher shows the pictures to the students and wants them to say their names in Turkish and then say their meaning  in English. Then she-he turns the cards and shows the written form of the items.  The teacher shows all pictures one by one.


Activity : Where is it?

Materials: The pictures of homeware , board and boardmarker

-students will be able to say the names of the words in English.
-students will able to understand the meaning of homeware.

       The teacher divides the class in four groups and also divides the board in four parts. The teacher writes the room names on each parts. (living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen)Each group chooses a person and she or he goes to the table and choose a picture. Then she or he decides where the item is and where we use it. Their group friends  confirm the answer and then the student stict it one part of the board. If it is wrong their group friends can correct. Second third and forth groups do the same thing until the pictures finishes.


Activity : Create Your Own Room.

Objectives :
-students will be able to say the names of the words in English.
-students will be able to pronounce the words correctly.

      Theacher asks the students to dream a room and write down it in a piece of paper. Then the teacher chooses one of the volunteer who wants to talk about her and his dream room. The teacher also chooses another one who wants to draw this room which is described. The student will use a simple language. For example:  There is a bed near the wall. There is a doll in the bed. There are toys in the box. Etc. The other students will draw what he or she says.

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