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Thursday, April 4, 2013

4th grade Unit 3 My family pronunciation acitivites

                                                                                                          LATİFE ÖZKAN


PRONUNCIATION  POINT:  coat-cot, leave-live, eat-it, sheep-ship, reach-rich

-          To make the students aware of the pronounciation of words
-          To provide a enjoyable time while teaching pronunciation
-          To give some words that have similar pronunciations to make the stress more clear
-          To contextualize the words and their pronunciation
-          To realise the differences between the pronunciaton of words


-          A presentation in which the words take place that belong to My family Unit and words that have similar pronunciations
-          A boardmarker
-          Colorful cardboards
-          Small pieces of cardboards on which words take place
-          Computer
-          Projector

            Firstly; teacher opens the computer and gives informations about the lesson. Then he/she opens the presentation and firstly he/ she pronunce the world and he/she wants students to repeat the words after the teacher. For example ; teacher says ‘cot’ and students repeat it. Teacher says ‘coat’ and students repeat it again. Teacher gives some example sentences and reads the sentences with the true intonation of words. Then students repeats and it goes on like that. After the presentation finishes, teacher takes the colorful cardboards to his/her hands and shows the students and wants them to pronunce the words. Students try to pronunce the words in a correct way and after this part activitiy finishes.

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