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Thursday, April 4, 2013

4th Grade Unit 3 My Family Speaking Activities

FATMA KAYA 09131048  3-B

Textbook: Primary School English Student’s Book

Grade: 4th

Unit 3: My Family

Language point: Introduce the family members

1)      Present

Memory games

Aim of the activity
·          Students’ memory skills are enhanced thanks to this activity.
·         With the help of this activity, students have a chance to practice their pronunciation.
·         Students’ concentration and listening skills can improve.

·         Firstly, teacher says to one student’s ear a sentence such as I have got two brothers or she likes her family.
·         Then, this student heard of the sentence from teacher whispers to his/her friend’s ear the sentence.
·         This game keeps on like that, and the last student says the sentence loudly.
·         Sometimes, the sentence can change very differently because of misunderstandings.

2)      Practice
Information gap
Aim of the activity
·         Students try to brainstorm a dialogue around the topic.
·         In addition, with the help of this activity, students’ critical thinking can enhance.
·         Students have a chance to listen other students’ dialogues.
·         Students can develop social skills of interaction and turn taking.
·         Firstly, teacher wants students to work with their pairs.
·         Teacher explains what they will do; they will create a dialogue about their family members, and they will write their conversation.
·         First student will ask a question to another ‘do you have got a brother? ‘
·         Then, second student will answer the question, and he/she can ask question, for instance ‘do you like your family?’
·         When they finish the conversation, the volunteer students will read their dialogues.

3)      Produce
Aim of the activity
·         This activity provides fluency practice.
·         Students also produce the meaningful sentences about their family members such as I have two sisters or I have a grandfather.
·         Students can develop social skills and they can be actively involved in lesson.

·         Teacher divides class into groups including 5-6 students.
·         He/she wants students to make a family; and after they finish their conversation, they will act out.
·         In addition, students can use role-play cards to help them remember what to say.
·         One student in group will introduce himself/herself such as I am a mother, I like my family, and I have got a sister etc.
·         Then, the other students in group will introduce themselves in a row.
·         At the end of the activity, teacher gives supportive feedback related to their performance. 

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