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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

4th Grade Unit 11 Food and Drinks Vocabulary Activities

Meryemana SOYUÇOK
GRADE: 4th


Task: Preparing breakfast menu
Vocabularies: honey, milk, bread, egg, olives, cheese, tomatoes, potatoes, coffee and tea.
Aim: To learn some basic vocabularies about food and drinks.

Materials: colourful pictures, patafix, broadmarker, broad

The vocabulary teaching and learning process

Stage 1: Using pictures

Stage 2: Listening and repeating

            After writing, the teacher reads aloud the words on the board. The students listen to her/him. Then, they repeat each word after their teacher.

Stage 3: Classifying/ sorting

            The students classify words into categories. To illustrate, they sort milk, coffee and tea as drinks and also they classify bread, egg, olives, cheese, honey, tomatoes, and potatoes as food.

Stage 4: Breakfast menu

            The teacher prepares her/his own breakfast menu on the board and encourages pupils to create their own breakfast menu. by using the vocabularies on the board. S/he asks the students to choose five items on the board to make up their own breakfast menu.

Stage 5: Extra-linguistic/world knowledge

            The teacher uses visual clues such as illustrations, mime, gestures and expressions while encouraging the students to create their own breakfast menu.

Brewster, J.& Ellis, G. (2002). The Primary English Teacher’s Guide. England: Penguin English

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