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Monday, April 1, 2013

4 th Grade Unit 13 Toys Speaking Activities


ELT 10131085



TEACHING SPEAKING: Retelling a story

MATERIALS: Power Point Presentation 1& 2
Ppt Presentation 1
Ppt Presentation 2



Activity 1: Introducing  a story


1. Students will be able to pay attention to listening to a story in the class environment
Teacher asks some questions in order to draw students' attention: "Have you got any toys? What are they?"She elicits the answers. Then she uses the toys which are in the story in order to activate their schemeta. She shows the toys and asks their names one by one.  
She continues: "Do you like stories?" After eliciting the answers, she introduces the story. "Today I will tell you a story. It is name is The Real Toy Story. There is  boy and  girl in the story"  Teacher starts to tell the story by heart.
"Eric was a rich boy.  He had more toys than you could imagine. His family had a lot of money, and whenever he liked something, they would buy it for him. He had no idea what things cost, and wouldn't bother to take care of toys. He had never realized how difficult it was for other children to get toys like the ones he had. He began to want something different. One of his uncles gave him a car, a toy guitar, a teddy bear, a doll, a jigsaw puzzle, computer games, a train, a robot, crayons, paints, pens, a bug, trail and carriage. Eric was very excited at having these toys. He learned to play them. However, he treated the toys just as badly he did all his other toys, and they soon started looking old.  One day, while in the countryside, he saw a girl with a toy box. Her name was Becky. The girl looked very poor, but the toys seemed happy and looked great. First he followed her  through the forest. He saw that she never hit the toys. He said the girl:

"Your toys look new! "

The girl answered: "I like my toys. I give attention to my toys."

He was surprised: "Don’t you have any other toys?"

She answered:"I have only four toys. My dad can’t buy a lot of toys. I repaire and care for my toys, so I really enjoy playing with them."

"Really? My dad buys a lot of toys." he said.

Eric felt himself sorry. He had more than four toys. Eric gave up constantly asking for new toys. Grateful to his friend, he gave her many of his own toys, and more to the children of the village. "

She explains the story with the help of power point presentation 1. She tries to make the meaning clear by using body language, gestures and mimics. She wants them to listen to the story carefully.  They should learn the order of the events in the story.


Activity 2: Retelling the story


1. Students will be able to retell the story in groups of three.

Students are divided into groups of three. Teacher explains the activity and gives the instruction: "I will show the story again. Please listen to the story carefully and pay attention to the pictures." She retells the story orally. She gives the other instruction: "I will show the story again -Power point presentation 2- But there will be only pictures. There won't be any script. You will work with your group members and retell the story. You have ten minutes." When time is up each group retells the story orally one after another. At the moment they have difficulty in continuing, teacher prompts them.


Activity 3: Dramatization


1. Students will be able to comprehend the story and act out the dialog.

Students work in groups of three. Each group member has a role: Eric, Becky and narrator. They rehearse their roles before dramatization. Teacher gives the instruction:" I want you to dramatize the story. Choose one of the roles: Eric, Becky and narrator. Work with your group members. You   can use classroom objects." When time is up, each group acts out the story.

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