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An ideal foreign (English) teacher: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=99bad792cd3f4541a703632fbc803f30

Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Saturday, March 23, 2013

teaching word

                                                                                                   FATMA KARACA
                                                                                                   3-A    10131048

                                                          TEACHING WORD

UNIT:  Classroom Rules


VOCABULARY POINTS: raise, run, walk, listen, sleep

                                                   PRESENTATION PART

ACTIVITY 1: Presenting these vocabularies with body language such as mimics, gestures
                        Presenting the vocabularies with an interesting video including amusing song    of actions

AIMS OF THE ACTIVITY: To introduce the meaning of these words by demonstration
                                             To comprehend the vocabularies through visualization
MATERIALS: a board marker and a video about classroom rules
Video link:

PROCEDURE: The teacher introduces the vocabularies using actions or body language such as mimics, gestures and expressions to the students at first. And s/he wants the students to predict the words. When they predict the words, s/he writes them on the board. And then s/he demonstrates an interesting and attractive video about actions. If the students want to watch the video again, they watch again by saying this amusing song.                                                   


                                                           ATTENDING TO FORM

ACTIVITY 2: Writing and spelling of words  
                        Matching the words with pictures of actions

AIMS OF THE ACTIVITY:    To be able to write the words correctly
                                               To spell the words fluently
                                               To match the words with the pictures

MATERIALS: some pictures including actions or rules and sticks

PROCEDURE: The teacher sticks the pictures and writes the actions on the board randomly. And then s/he wants to match them to the students correctly. After the students match them correctly, the teacher writes and pronounces them and wants to  repeat her/him to the students. So the students see the written words on the board and they learn to say them correctly.

                                                   VOCABULARY PRACTISING

  ACTIVITY 3: By choosing the words in the box, describing the words with actions

  AIMS OF THE ACTIVITY: To make actions to express the words to the class

  MATERIALS: a word box including these five vocabularies and small cards

  PROCEDURE: The teacher shows the word box and s/he wants to choose a card to the students from the  box. And then the students having the vocabulary cards try to describe the word by showing actions to the class. And at the end of the lesson, the teacher asks to the students that they will have a word box including some vocabularies taught during the lesson. 

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