Hi Everyone,

Participants are needed to fill out two surveys for two researches about prospective English teachers. You can find the links below, thank you.

An ideal foreign (English) teacher: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=99bad792cd3f4541a703632fbc803f30

Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Saturday, March 23, 2013






GRADE: 5th

WORDS: North South East West Northeast Northwest Southeast Southwest

MATERIALS: PowerPoint Presentation

Ppt Presentation: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-ajVRhGzNWGZmpnZS0tRVpTc0E/edit?usp=sharing 





Activity: Usıng Body


Aim of it: Unconsciously, students can learn directions only acting what their teacher is doing. Learning directıons by using their body helps them meet new words without any anxiety. They can also have fun for the lesson and have chance to manipulate what they learn in their own life.


The teachers enter the classroom by saying “how are you?” The teacher talks about sports importance by saying “we should do some exercises for our health every day” and she pretends finding an idea by using her gesture and suddenly says “what about doing some exercises at now “. Then she wants them to stand up, act and repeat what she does. She starts to say these expressions:


Open your left hand

Open your right hand

Put your hands up

Put your hands down

At first students only acts what their teacher is doing correctly. After they have done these actions two times the teacher starts to use words of directions and continues doing actions.

Open your left hand. This is east

Open your right hand. This is west

Put your hands up. This is north

Put your hands down. This is south.

Then the teacher stops and wants students to act what she does and repeat what she says once more. Putting her hands up she only says “North”, putting her hands down she says “South”, opening her left hand she only says “east” and opening her right hand she only says “west”. Students put their hands up by saying “North”, put their hands down by repeating “South”, open their left hand by repeating “east” and open their right hand by repeating “west”.

In the end the teacher asks them to show where North, South, east and west is. They use their hands to show directions.











Activities: 1) Sticking arrows the picture and

2) Putting letters into correct places


The aim of the activities: students can learn directions and where they are in the world with the Picture easily. With a competition they feel exciting to learn these directions quickly to be winner. With the second activity they can assess themselves if they know how to write directions or not and the teacher can figure out if they know or not and give them feedback at that moment



At first, the teacher reminds them what main four directions and where they are in the world by using her body language. Then she talks that there are another four directions and writes them by saying “Northeast, Southeast, Northwest and Southwest”. Since students can be complex or find difficult these words to understand, the teacher explains these directions by using math forms. The teachers start to explain

“North + East= Northeast, this is kuzeydoğu in Turkish,

“South +East=Southeast this is güneydoğu“she continues explaining the others like that

Then the teacher shows these directions where they are in the world by drawing arrows. Then she gives them a worksheet in which places of letters are changed and wants them to put them into correct forms. Then, the teacher sticks a Picture of the world and 8 arrows on the board. She says that they will play a game. She starts to explain rules of the game. The teacher divides classroom into two group and wants each of group that they should choose four persons from their own group .Then these four persons will come to the board to take arrows and find where North is in the world and stick it to the correct place of the world. Then four students of each group come and stick arrows according to directions in the world. Then the teacher checks out each group and corrects their performance if students put arrow into correct places.









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