Hi Everyone,

Participants are needed to fill out two surveys for two researches about prospective English teachers. You can find the links below, thank you.

An ideal foreign (English) teacher: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=99bad792cd3f4541a703632fbc803f30

Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Elvan Kozluca

                                                                                   ELVAN KOZLUCA 09131053

                                  SPEAKING  ACTIVITY 




TECHNIQUES :  asking -answering, drama , role play 

MATERIALS : song ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORGLQudvMWE ),  flashcards including a  occupation in a situation , the  real materials of occupations


 -to be able to   make a  dialog or  short story   by  analyzing the picture
  -to be able to ask questions by going around the  class

Activity 1( '5):
-Students  listen to  a song related to  occupations and remember  the names of the occupations 
- If  they want  , they  sing it  together 
Activity 2 ('10):
- Teacher  wants students  to  think of their favorite occupations and why they want them   .
-Students go around the class and ask  their friends 'what do you want to be in future and why?
- Each  student  makes  a list including  occupations that their friends say 
- Teacher  asks a student to  say  his  friend's favorite and its explanation  and then this  student says  what he learns about another one's  occupation . This goes like that .

Activity 3 ('20):
- Teacher divides the students into groups ( the number of members can change according to the  class)
- Teachers  hand out a picture including  situations  of occupations   to  a group . 
-The  students  analyze the  pictures with  group members and then they  can create  a dialog  based on  the picture .
 -Students    act out their  dialogs   in front of the class. They can use materials  teacher brings or  they can use their imagination with unrelated  materials.
-After every group   acts out , the   students  evaluate  each other  with marks  and the class choose the  best  group .



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