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Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Sunday, March 24, 2013

09131079 3/B

Target expressions: -Hello!
                                   -What is your name? My name is…
                                   -How are you?
                                   -Fine thanks and you?
                                   -Nice to meet you.
            Activity: Puppet show
  •  The main aim of this activity is to help learners to use basic greeting expressions (Hello, What is your name? My name is...How are you? Nice to meet you) in an interactive way.
  • To help learners to gain confidence to use the language for the aim of the communication.


  •  Puppets will be used to introduce basic greeting expressions to the students. (Hello, what is your name? My name is...How are you? Nice to meet you)

Ø  First: teacher creates a dialogue between two puppets:
Puppet 1: Heyyy... Good morning! Hello everyone! My name is Ayşee.  This is my first day in school. What is your name?
Puppet 2: Heeyy…My name is Ahmet.
Puppet 1: How are you Ahmet?
Puppet 2: I’m fine Ayşe, thank you. What about you? How are you Ayşe?
Puppet 1: I’m fine Ahmet. Nice to meet you.
Puppet 2: Nice to meet you Ayşe.
Puppet 1: Heeyy, lets meet our new friends, heyy you what is your name? How are you?  Nice to meet you. (Asks a student in the class)
Puppet 2: Heyy, my name is Ahmet, What is your name? (Asks a student in the classroom) How are you? Nice to meet you.
Ø  Then, teacher writes main greeting expressions to the board to help learners to make their own dialogues in second session via puppets using the identities they create.
Ø  Students come with their pairs to make a dialogue using basic greeting expressions via puppets. (Hello, Good morning my name is.., what is your name? My name is…How are you? Fine thanks. Nice to meet you.)
Ø  Then, teacher writes main greeting expressions to the board to help learners to make their own dialogues in second session via puppets using the identities they create.
Ø  Students come with their pairs to make a dialogue using basic greeting expressions via puppets. (Hello, Good morning my name is.., what is your name? My name is…How are you? Fine thanks. Nice to meet you.)
Activity: Choosing a famous identity and make an interview
Ø  The main aim of this activity is to help learners to use target basic greeting expressions in a communicative purpose with an enjoyable activity.
Ø  To feel students themselves in a stress- free environment through choosing a famous identity.
             Teacher prepares for students some masks of famous people (Mustafa Kemal, Angalina Jolie, Tarkan, Beyazıt Öztürk, Justin Bieber..)

                 There is given also a microphone that they try to be like on a TV channel.

Ø  First teacher explains students will choose a famous character, wear the mask of that character. One student will be an interviewer, another one a famous person.
Ø  They act like they were in a TV program changing their voice and imitating the famous person they choose.
Ø    Then, they create a dialogue using basic greeting expressions. (Hello, what is your name? My name is...How are you? Nice to meet you)
          Activity:Writing a song using basic greeting expressions;
 ( Hello, What is your name? My name is...How are you? Nice to meet you)

          Aims: The main aim of this activity is to prompt students to use the language in an interactive,way creating their own products.

Students will use a piece of paper to write their song on it.


Ø  Teacher asks students to write their songs using greeting expressions and making groups of four or five according to the size of the class.
Ø  Students try to create a song using the basic greeting expressions.
Ø  Later, teacher wants students to sing their songs to the whole class and appreciates them.


Kahraman, Ayşe and Bahattin (2012) English 4. Grades.Semih Ofset-S.E.K Press

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