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Monday, March 18, 2013

5th grades unit 13 Fun at the park grammar activities

Cansu LEYLEK  08131050


5th grade

Time:40 min.

Unit 13: Present Continuous Tense

Materials: Puzzles,pictures.board


   The  Jones  family is in the park today.
The sun is shining and the birds are singing.
Its a beautiful day.
    Mr.Jones is reading the newspaper. Mrs. Jones
is listening to the radio. Sally and Patty Jones are
studying. And the Tommy  jones is playing the guitar.
   The Jones family is very happy today. Its a beautiful
day and they are in the park.


The teacher begins the lesson by greeting. After greeting them, s/he asks “Are you
sleeping?” to one of the students to draw the learners attention to the lesson. The teacher
writes the student’s answer on the board to provide visualization for the class and s/he goes on asking questions to the class “What am I doing now?” by showing actions until the learners get the idea about the present continuous tense.


The teacher says that I will show you flash cards on which there are pictures related to actions which is happening now. Thanks to this flash cards you will learn the continuous verbs that you can use them in real life. The teacher shows the flash cards to students and asks them what they are seeing. While students are saying what they see, for example, the learners say “He is eating now.”, the teacher writes answers on the board to ensure visual support that helps the learners to comprehend the continuous verbs. The teacher asks questions like “Did you learn the verbs related to the present continuous tense?” to be sure that they learn them to start other activities.


The teacher summarizes the lesson by confirming of the aims of the lesson and reviews the lesson. And then s/he gives homework for the next lesson. Teacher gives a worksheet and s/he wants to fill in the blanks according to reading passage.


Brewster,J. & Ellis,G.(2003), The Primary English Teacher’s Guide.Pearson Education Limited.


 From this site I selected the proper flashcards downloaded and printed them.

Pictures: I wrote on the Google Images “ action cartoons” and found this web-site: http://www.google.com.tr/search?q=ACT%C4%B0ONS+CARTOON&hl=tr&tbo=u&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=60jXUO7rBorptQa8noDIDw&ved=0CCsQsAQ&biw=1092&bih=504
From this site I selected the actions which I would use in the lesson and printed them then I sticked them with patafix.

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