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Sunday, March 17, 2013

5th Grade Unit 8 My Favourite Activities Pronunciation Activties

11131006  3B

Lesson:  ENGLISH
Language Point:  My Favorite Activity, 5th grade, Unit 8
To make students be aware of the importance of correct pronunciation.
To make students be aware of the stressed syllables in words.
To make students be aware of sentence stress and intonation.
Matearials: board , board marker, power point presentation.

Aim: students will be able to pronounce the stressed syllables in words correctly.
Students will be able to pronounce stress and intonation in sentences correctly.
Activities : watching Power point presentation , listen and repeat, read the words and sentences, remember and say.
Ø  Teacher makes a little conversation with the students; she greets them and asks how they are today. She makes them feel relax and ready to learn.
Ø  She tells what the subject of this lesson and the aim of it is ,also what they will do.
Ø  First, to attract students' attentions , she writes  sentences below by indicating the stressed parts on boards :
What is your favorite activity?
My activity is…… .
Playing guitar.
Reading books.
Doing sports.
Ø  Then, she presents the power point presentation and makes students listen and watch it slowly.
Ø  For the second listening, she pauses I at the end of the each slide  and makes students repeat what is said twice times by focusing on stress and intonation. They repeat loudly.
Ø  Teacher emphasizes that ‘ing’ syllable in the gerunds like doing, playing is not accented.
Ø  Next, teacher reads the same sentences which she has already written on board, students repeat again. Thus; they notice again both the written and spoken way of them.
Ø  Finally, she shows the power point presentation again by turning up the voice. They remember the pronunciation of words and say themselves.

Aim : Students will make a lot of any practices to structure the subject through controlled activities and exercises.
Ø  First, teacher says ‘my favorite’, students say ‘activity’, teacher says ‘is’ then students say  their favorite activity by order . All the class participates in this conversation.
Ø  At the end of the activity, teacher corrects the mispronunciations gently and makes the class repeat them.
Ø  Next, teacher asks students what their favorite activity is and they answer.
Ø  Then, students work in pairs. Then, they ask each other what their favorite activity is.

Aim : Students will be able to produce the language on their own. They will be able to produce their own utterances. They will able to speak more fluently.
Ø  Teacher gives an assignment that students will ask their parents what their favorite activities are. They will probably say new words that they have not studied in the lesson.
Ø  Students will try to guess correct pronunciation of them by taking into consideration the sentences stress and intonation.
Brewster ,Jean and Ellis with Girard Denis,2003, The Primary English Teacher’s Guide.
My English 5, Lütfi. Bağdu,Lamia. Sazer,Beyhan, Ayşe, 2008 Pasifik Yayınevi.Yalçınkaya.

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