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Participants are needed to fill out two surveys for two researches about prospective English teachers. You can find the links below, thank you.

An ideal foreign (English) teacher: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=99bad792cd3f4541a703632fbc803f30

Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Sunday, March 31, 2013

5th Grade Unit 6 Physical Education Speaking Activities Rızgar BAL 09131018




Physical Education( can and can’t)

Aim: teacher tries to get students’ attentions to lesson by acting role plays with a students who is volunteer. They are given a text in which they have role scripts. Teacher use his voice ,tone gestures and mimics during the act

Material: a dramatic diaolgue between salesperson and customer

                A robot toy

Activity 1

 Teacher enters to class  with a robot toy to get students’ attentions to class from the first minute. After he talks daily routine he wants a volunteer from class to act customer. İf there is not a volunteer he should encourage them until he can find one. The teacher act salesperson so as to show students his voice and intonation. After they act,  two volunteer students can act, too.

Robot salesperson

This robot can:

1.      wash up
2.      cook
3.      do homework

Salesperson:    Hello, my name is Bob and this is my new robot
Customer:                   What can it do?
Salesperson:    What can it do? Do you like food?
Customer:                   Yes, I do.
Salesperson:    It can cook dinner.
Customer:                   What else can it do?
Salesperson:    Do you like washing up?
Customer:                   No, I don't.
Salesperson:    Fantastic, this robot can wash up.
Customer:                   Really, that's interesting. What else can it do?
Salesperson:    Have you got a lot of homework?
Customer:                   Yes, I have.
Salesperson:    Fantastic, this robot can do your homework.
Customer:                   Really, that's interesting.
Salesperson:    Do you want my robot?
Customer:                   How much is it?
Salesperson:    Very cheap, only 30 liras.
Customer:                   I´ll take it. Here you are (Handing over the money).  Goodbye.
Salesperson:    Goodbye

Activity 2

After they finish the  first activity, teacher make students pair and give them 10 minutes to write their own script . They can use famous character or they can use cartoon character . They  try  to sell their  own  robot.  When they create their own script they can use these language below. This will help them when they create their own script. After they finish teacher choose some volunteer students and they come in front of the class and they act their own roles. They can use the robot toy of teacher.

My robot can …
It can also ……                            

Can your robot .....?
What else can it do?
Really, that's interesting
How much is it
I’ll take it / I’ll think about it

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