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An ideal foreign (English) teacher: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=99bad792cd3f4541a703632fbc803f30

Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Thursday, March 21, 2013

5th Grade Unit 4 School Life Pronuncition Activities




VOCABULARY POINTS:bad,bed  -read,red  -cat,cut  -sheep,ship -  know,now

ACTIVITY 1: Presenting the word’s pronounciation with puppets.


  1.To be able to differentiate between sounds in English.

  2.Pronouncing given words accurately.

  3.Enjoying learning English by means of  puppets.

  4.To understand the differences of the homophenes sound’s pronounciation and meanings

 5.To improve recognition and pronunciation skills of single words.

MATERIALS: Two puppets and a chipboard that there are 2 holes on it.

PROCEDURE: Firstly,teacher gives information about what they are going to learn today.After short instruction about homophenes sounds,the teacher shows a puppet show. These puppets teach pronounciation of words.(bed,bad -read,red -cat,cut -sheep,ship –know,now ).They talk about the  difference of these words and meanings although students sometimes pronounce them in a similar way.After puppets,teacher writes these words on the board and try pronounciation with students.

 ACTIVITY 2:  .Matching the words with another similar words

MATERIALS:Square-shaped cartoons that have written words,a board and adhesive.


1.To provide the students to practice the words. (bad,bed -read,red -cat,cut -sheep,ship , know,now. )

2.Getting a positive attitude toward learning English through game –like activities.

PROCEDURE: The teacher wants  children to match  the words with their same words and she makes the students understand the  different pronounciation of minimal pairs. For example; in one slide, techer sticks the words sub-bottom on the board (bed,read ,cat ,sheep ,know)and sticks another five words to be matched; but these words are mixed  on the left of board.( bad,red,cut,ship,now) Teacher wants children to match with these words. Students try to match the words and try to understand different pronounciation of sounds.If they make mistake, the teacher corrects them by explaining.


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