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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

5th Grade Unit 12 Health Problems Pronunciation Activities

Merve Dönmez
09131028 3-A

UNIT:  Health Problems

PRONUNCIATION POINTS: cough, stomachache, backache

ACTIVITY 1: Story-telling


1-      To comprehend the correct pronunciation of the words.

2-      To pronounce the words correctly.

MATERIALS:  A story created by the teacher, cards(brown,blue,green)  for the mountain, sky and trees, cotton for the snowy places of the mountain, a boy puppet, a bar of cake.

PROCEDURE:  The teacher creates a story about three illnesses which are cough, stomachache and backache. She presents the target words for the pronunciation with this story in front of the class. She also prepares materials which are suitable for the story. She tells the story and after telling the story, she practices pronunciation points twice. (" At Mount KAF, Jimmy has a COUGH.”, “After he eats the CAKE, he has a STOMACHACHE.” and “He has A BACKACHE because his BACKPACK is very heavy.”)

STORY: “There is a boy whose name is Jimmy. There is a mountain. It is Mount Kaf. He wonders that mountain and decides to go there. The day before setting off, he prepares his backpack and he feels very happy. Eventually, he arrives in Mount Kaf. First, he sees that there are lots of trees and they are really green. “Mount Kaf is a really nice place!” says Jimmy. Later he climbs to the mountain and then he realizes that there is snow and it is very cold. He is cold and starts to “cough”. AT MOUNT KAF, JIMMY HAS A COUGH. Then he gets hungry and he takes the CAKE from her backpack and eats. After a while, he decides to go back to his home. When he arrives at his home, he feels an ache in his stomach. AFTER HE EATS THE CAKE, HE HAS A STOMACHACHE. He is tired and he has A BACKACHE because his BACKPACK is very heavy.”

ACTIVITY 2:  Writing a song about Jimmy’s trip with the target words


1-      To pronounce the words correctly

2-      To practice the pronunciation of the target words

PROCEDURE: The student are divided into groups and asked to prepare a song about the story using the illnesses. After they finish, they performs their songs as a group in front of the class.

While preparing the materials:

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