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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

4th grade Unit 4 My Clothes Pronunciation Activties

                                                                                                                       Büşra Özdemir 
                                                                                                                        3B 09131056
                                                  *TEACHING PRONUNCIATION*                                                   
LESSON: English
CLASS: 4th grade
UNIT: My clothes
LANGUAGE POINT: Correct pronunciation, Cloth names and colours
ACTIVITY: Watching video, listening to my clothes song and repeating
AIM: Students will be able to pronounce the words correctly through hearing their correct spelling from the video
MATERIALS: My clothes video and song
Teacher opens “my clothes” video and the whole listens to the song. 
While watching the video students pay attention to the pronunciation. 
They listen to the song twice and while watching it, they try to sing with the video. 
Afterwards teacher chooses volunteers and they sing the  song by themselves with a correct pronunciation.                                                                                                                               
   ACTIVITY: Push the button
   AIM: Students will be able to recognize the clothes from the powepoint presentation and say the words in a correct pronunciation
   MATERIALS: Power point slides, plastic toys, my clothes videos
Teacher divides the class into two groups and each group member stands back to back. 
Teacher puts a desk between two groups and students match in pairs. 
The students who stands foremost hold the plastic toy. 
Teacher opens the powerpoint slide - cloth names are written in a jumbled order fo ex. "serds" for dress- and students try to ring the bell by moping the toys. 
The students who mopes first has the right to say the word that s/he sees on the slide. 
If s/he pronunce the cloth name correctly his/her team gets one point. 
However if s/he can’t pronunce the word correct, then the other team’s student has right to talk. 
If s/he says the word correct his/her team gets the point. 
Thereafter students take turn. 
At the end of the game the team which has more point wins the game.
   ACTIVITY: Music&Lyrics
   AIM: Students will be able to write their own lyrics about clothes and colours
   MATERIALS: My clothes video+song
 Students work in pairs. 
Again they watch the funny video about my clothes and colours. 
Then they try to make up some new lyrics and add them to the song. 
After finishing the section firstly volunteers then everyone come to the board and sing his/her song.

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