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Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Thursday, March 21, 2013

4th Grade Unit 3 My Family Activities

Speaking Activities                                                                                     Ebru Akbalıkcı-11131002

Class: 4

Unit: 3, My Family

Grammar Point:  Have got, has got


1)      To make student use basic family members while speaking.
2)      To make students use ‘’have got and has got’’ while they are describing their family.
3)      To make students gain the confidence of speaking with various speaking activities.
4)      To make students more practice in speaking skill.
5)      To make students more understanding about basic family members and to develop their speaking skills at the same time.


Family box (which is prepared by me), and the cards which are basic family members such as father, mother, brother, sister, and etc. (prepared by me) ppp:https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2mI4xQGIBZEZm5XYy1MRHEtdkU/edit?usp=sharing

Activity 1

Guessing game

Activity instructions

-          Teacher comes to the class with the family box and tries to get attention of students by saying that here is a surprise for you, and etc.
-          Then, teacher puts the box where all students see easily.
-          And, then, she makes students remember the unit, my family they’ve learnt before.
-          After that, she begins to tell the game.
-          The game is a guessing game. Students, first who are willing, come to the board. She or he chooses a card from the box. And then, she or he tries to define the character on the card, and the others in the class guess who it is. While the student are trying to describe character, he or she is supposed to use have got and has got. For example; if the students chooses a card, grandfather, she or he tries to tell like he has got a gray hair, he has got a glass, and etc.
-          The play goes on like that till the whole students come and describe the character.

Activity 2

Choose an identity

-          Teacher writes family members on the board.
-          After that, she or he explains that one who is willing comes to the board, and chooses one identity from the board.
-          Two minutes are given to the student.
-          After that, she or he tries to describe himself or herself as the character he o she chooses. For example; if he chooses a baby from the board, he says some utterances like that ı am a little, ı have got a feeding battle, ı have got a little hands and legs, and etc.
-          The other students try to guess this character.
-          The game goes on till the whole class participate the activity.

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