Grammar point: This/that, a/an
Materials:Real school objects,video,powerpoint slide,puppets,scarf
Aim:To teach this/that/a/an by using real materials in an enjoyable
Pppt Presentations:
Grammar Point: This is a book/That is a ruler/This a board/that is a
window(Vocabularies about school objects such as pen, pencil, book, ruler, eraser,
sharpener and school bag and classroom instructions such as stand up, sit down,
open your books, close your books, look at the board, listen to me, )
Activity: Listening and watching a song and acting out the song
with whole class by using body parts.
Activity: First introduce the objects with real materials. Then ask questions
about them. (What is this/that? It is a ruler.)
Aim: 1.In noticing part, it is important to draw the
students’ attention to the course. So teacher enters the class by singing a
song. Teacher aims to take their attention before teaching topic.
‘’This is a pencil, this is a book
This a rubber, this is a bag
Sit down, stand up
One two three
School, school, school for you and me
‘’That is a table, that is a desk
That is a window,
that is a board
Sit down, stand up
One two three
School, school, school for you and me’
noticing part, it is crucial to support meaning and form together therefore
students listen and watch a song as a start. Moreover, they act out the song
with body movements. The aim is to activate the students and increase their
motivation and reduce their stress.
Using a song is beneficial to start the course instead of using a textbook.
Thanks to video and song students can see the form in a different and
meaningful context. In addition, using a lovely song is appropriate for young
learners. Young learners enjoy while learning in this kind of situation.
Showing real materials and doing question-answer activity aims to help the
students to relate the form of language in a meaningful context.
Materials: Real school objects, PowerPoint slide show
Procedure: Step 1. Students first listen and watch the teacher while she
is singing and demonstrating school objects. Then they all listen and watch the
song and they act out the song. While they are listening to the song they learn
what the meaning of book is, because while listening, teacher does the same
acting out with the whole class by using body movements. For example, the song
starts with ‘this is a pencil, this is a book’. Teacher shows these objects to
class while singing. There are also subtitles of this song.Students can
follow the sentences easily.Thanks to these opportunities, they perceive the
meaning and form together in a context.
Step 2. Students enjoy doing things with computer so students watch a power
point slide show. In the slides, there are lots of colourful school objects and
instructions.Forms are obvious for students.First teacher shows the real
materials and students can also follow the pictures in the slide show. For
instance, in the first slide there is a picture of a book and the form is also
given such as ‘What is this? This is a book. Then teacher says that open your
books.Teacher helps them to understand the objects in meaningful context.To
differentiate this and that teacher demonsrates the board and window.Also
teacher uses some instructions such as look at the board, ın here teachers uses
the board in a context to help her students so that they can grasp the meaning.
Grammar Point: What is this/that? This/That is a ruler.
Is this a book? Yes, this is/ No, this isn’t.
Activity: Puppet Game
Aim: Using puppets is important for students to be able to
remove their affective filter thanks to puppets they feel relaxed and they will
be able to act out.They can easily manipulate the language with the help of
puppets and they can express the form of grammar.They learn the grammar in
communicative context and they interact with each other and perceive the
meaningful points of grammar.
Materials: Two hand puppets, PowerPoint slide show
Procedure: Two students come to the board and ask each other
some questions about the topic by looking at slide show. The questions are:
What is this/that? This/That is a pen. Is it a book? Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t. In
the slide show, the pictures of objects are given, so students look at the
pictures and remember what they are. Thanks to this they do not memorize the
vocabulary. Students do lots of practices in this part.
Grammar Point:
A: Is this/that is a school bag?
B: No it isn’t
A: What is this?
B: This is a notebook
Activity: Touch and Guess Game
Aim: The aim is to make students produce
sentences in a communicative context.They
pay attention to
both grammar and communication.They learn grammar points by interacting each
other and in a funny enjoyable situation.
Materials: Real school objects and a scarf
Procedure: In this part students should do a lot of practicing
and produce language, so they play
‘Touch and Guess Game’.For this game, teacher ties up a student’s eyes with a
scarf so that he can not see anywhere and anything. The aim is to touch one of
the classroom objects like a book and guess what it is. After touching it, he
asks ‘Is this a book?’ and the other student who holds the book gives the answer.
If the answer is not true, that student asks again like ‘What is this?’ and
other student answers like ‘This is a notebook.’ They do it in pairs, so
interaction will be inevitable.
n Cameron, Lynne (2001) Teaching
Languages to Young Learners/ Learning
Grammar.Cambridge University Press.
n Kahraman,
Ayşe and Bahattin (2012) English 4.
Grades. Semih Ofset-S.E.K Press.
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