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Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Teaching Game, 5th grade, Unit 12 Health Problems,

3-A 09131035

Lesson: English
Subject: Teaching health problems with A Game.
Time: 15 minutes
Grade: 5th grade

1-      Being able to learn words about health problems with a game which is played in a circle and necessitates body movements, gestures, mimics…etc.
2-      Being able to ask questions to his peers by using the chunk 'what is the matter with you?'
3-      Being able to answer questions which come from his peers by using  'should and should not' structure.
4-      Being able to remember body parts' words which he has learnt in pre-years.
5-      Being able to participate in lesson more.



1-      Student develops health problems learning with a game.
2-      Student asks questions to his peers in the form of should/should not and the chunk 'what is the matter with you?'
3-      When student asks the question 'what is the matter with you', he replies his friend different from his actions. This develops analytical and creative thinking.
4-      Student answers his peers in the form of should/should not.
5-      Student’s psycho-motor skills develop, furthermore; with this game, student’s effective learning and socialization increases.

Techniques and Methods:

·         TPR(Total Physical Response)
·         Analytical and Creative Thinking
·          Answer-question
·          Group-working
·          Brain-storming.

Teacher enters classroom and asks to his students what they have learnt in pre-lesson. After taking the correct answer(as health problems), students are met a new game by teacher. All students stand up and they form a circle in front of the blackboard. Firstly; teacher enters to center of the circle. For example; she shows a part of her body, and of her students come to his near and asks: “What is the matter with you?”. Teacher says: “I have got a headache. The student, who asks, begins to pretend he has got a headache. Simultaneously, other student comes and asks: “What is the matter with you?”, he answers: “I have got a backache .” Until the end of the game, every student asks question, answers his peers and does actions which are different from his answer. Student means the topic 'health problems'  in a cheerful and meaningful context.


            Teacher  makes a review of actions and words that are used in game so that students get the chance to remember the things they have learned via game. After teacher hands students in a work sheet, they are asked to fill a puzzle. They see pictures of actions or words and they try to fill puzzle regarding numbers and their equivalent pictures. Hence, the teacher sees whether the game is successful to get the target of course or not. 

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