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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Games, unit12 seasons

Sibel Serdaroğlu
10131065 3-B
Textbook: Primary English Student’s Book
Grade: 4th
Unit 12: Seasons / Weather Conditions
Language Point:  Let’s / Adjectives (rainy, windy, snowy, cloudy, foggy, cold, hot, cool, warm etc.)
Activity 1: Picture Dictation
Materials: paper and colorful pencils.
The Aim of the Activity:
To encourage students to participate the learning process
To encourage students to produce
To enhance students’ creativity.
To motivate students and create enjoyable atmosphere
The teacher divides students into four groups and wants them to draw and color their pictures. The teacher gives the instructions for the first group. “In a sunny day, a family goes to the beach all together. They sunbathe and drink cold orange juice. Children play games on the beach. Children and their parents swim joyfully.” Later, all students try to draw picture according to instructions.
The teacher gives the instructions for the second group. “The weather is so cold. Children play snowball and make a snowman in the garden. Children wear hat, gloves and scarf because they are cold.” Later, all students try to draw picture according to instructions.
The teacher gives the instructions for the third group. “The weather is windy. The leaves fall off. The streets are full of leaves. The clouds are black.” Later, all students try to draw picture according to instructions.
The teacher gives the instructions for the fourth group. “The weather is warm. Butterfly and birds are flying. The sun is shining. Children have a picnic. They eat some food and then play volleyball together.” Later, all students try to draw picture according to instructions.
At the end of the activity, all groups draw and color the pictures and they produce four different pictures. They share the products each other.
Activity 2: Predict the weather condition
Materials: Pictures

The Aim of the Activity:
To help students to use the language effectively
To make students active
To raise awareness for the pronunciation and language use
To remember the adjectives with enjoyable way
The teacher chooses a picture and shows it to students. The teacher wants them to predict the weather condition, the season etc. Students talk about the picture. For example; the teacher shows a watermelon picture and asks students “When do people eat watermelon?” They answer “We eat watermelon in summer. The weather is hot.” The teacher shows different pictures related to other seasons and wants students predict some features about the seasons.


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