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Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Games, Unit 12 Seasons

10131066 3-B

Textbook:Primary School  English Student’s Book
Grade: 4th
Unit 12: Seasons Weather Conditions
Language Point: Adjectives ( windy,sunny,rainy,cloudy, foggy and snowy)
                                  Nouns   ( summer, spring,fall and winter)


A selected video related to the topic
Aim of the activity
 Students’ attention is drawn and they remember vocabulary items related to the topic thanks to this video.
ü  The teacher finds a video about 4 seasons and shows it in the classroom.
ü  The video also includes adjectives about seasons such as rainy, cold, hot, warm, cloudy, windy etc.

Describe and Draw Activity

Prepared colorful pictures, papers and pencils
Aim of the activity
ü  To give young learners the opportunity to practice the foreign langauge in a relaxed and enjoyable way.
ü  To encourage students to participate the teaching and learning process
ü  To give students the opportunity to know how to give instructions
ü  To internalize the topic with the help of this activity
ü  The teacher brings the prepared colourful pictures to the classrom
ü  Firstly, she starts the game with a students to show other pupils how to play the game.
ü  She takes a picture and starts to describe: ‘ The weather is cold and snowy. There is a girl in the street and plays snowball with her friends. They are so happy and they make a snowman.’ While the teacher is describing the picture, the student tries to draw what he has heard.
ü  After this example, teacher select many students to practice this game . A student who will describe the picture to his friend select a picture and starts to explain it. Another students starts to draw according to what he has heard. After drawing process is finished, the original and drawn picture is compared and decided how much they look like.

Draw your own picture and Describe
Pencils and papers

Aim of the activity
ü  To increase students’ own creativeness
ü  To increase pupil-pupil communication
ü  To help create a fun atmosphere during internalizing the topic
ü  To help reveal weak points of the topic
ü  To encourage more creative use of language
ü  To contribute to the students’ knowledge about the topic in social colloboration
Students are divided into 5 groups
Every group draw a picture related to the topic however they want.After this, each group select a student both for describing and drawing and groups starts to compete,
This competition goes in this way: While one of the pupils from A group tries to describe their own drawing, another pupil from B grup tries to draw what he has heard. This goes on.
The group who can draw the picture described most similarly wins the game.

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