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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

4th Grade Unit 11 Food and Drinks Song Activities

Funda Topal
10131081 3/B

Grade/ Unit: 4th grade-Unit 11-Food and Drinks

Language point: orange, banana, apple, chicken, rice, peas, blackcurrant juice, chocolate cake, grapes, milk, potato, tomato, water, carrot, tea, fruit juice, hamburger

Aims: to remember vocabulary of food and drinks, to listen and comprehension, to make differences between words while listening, to hear individual words and their pronunciation

Materials: pictures, worksheets, PPP, chocolate cake song (http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/songs/chocolate-cake)

Activity: remember vocabulary and listen to the song to find which food and drinks name are in it
1-      Teacher demonstrates the PPP. There are pictures and spellings of some food and drinks.
2-      Students remember them.
3-      Students watch and listen to the song twice. They see lyrics of the song while they are watching and listening.
4-      Students classify the food and drinks. Which are the food and drinks mentioned in the song and which are not mentioned
Activity: fill in the blanks of the song on the worksheet

Please, fill in the blanks by listening to the song.

Chocolate cake

Words have rhythms
We can use our sticks and drums to tap out the rhythms of words
Let’s tap out the rhythms of a really delicious meal

… rice and peas
Chicken … and peas
Chicken rice and peas
Chicken rice and …
Chicken rice and …
Chicken … and peas
Hands up who likes … rice and peas
Yummy yummy yummy
Put it in my tummy
I like, you like, … … and …

Blackcurrant juice
…………… juice
Blackcurrant juice
Blackcurrant …..
Blackcurrant juice
…………… …….
Hands up who likes blackcurrant juice
Yummy yummy yummy
Put it in my tummy
I like, you like …  juice
Blackcurrant juice
Blackcurrant …
Hands up who likes blackcurrant juice
Yummy yummy yummy
Put it in my tummy
I like, you like blackcurrant juice

Chocolate cake
Chocolate …
…           cake
Chocolate cake
………… …..
Chocolate cake
Hands up who likes chocolate cake
Yummy yummy yummy
Put it in my tummy
I like, you like chocolate cake
Chocolate cake
Chocolate cake
Hands up who likes chocolate cake
Yummy yummy yummy
Put it in my tummy
I like you like ………. …

1-      Teacher hands worksheets to the students. The food and drinks name in the song are not written. Students try to find what they are.
2-      Then, students try to find the missing words by listening to song.
3-      Students listen to the song second time to correct if they have a mistake.
4-      After that, students compare their worksheets in pairs.
5-      Lastly, teacher gives them feedback.
Activity: changing the food and drinks name which are not mentioned in the song and produce their own food and drinks song in groups and sing their own song
1-      Teacher sticks food and drinks picture which is not mentioned in the song on the board.
2-      Students try to use them while they are producing their own song.
3-      Teacher shows an example:
Orange, apple and grapes
Orange, apple and grapes
Orange, apple and grapes
Orange, apple and grapes
Orange, apple and grapes
Orange, apple and grapes
Hands up who likes orange, apple and grapes
Yummy yummy yummy
Put it in my tummy
I like, you like, orange, apple and grapes

4-      In groups, they produce their own song.
5-      Then, they sing their song as groups in front of the whole class.
(Teacher can record their song while they are singing in order to listen to it them at a different time to show the progress)

Chocolate cake

Words have rhythms
We can use our sticks and drums to tap out the rhythms of words
Let’s tap out the rhythms of a really delicious meal

Chicken rice and peas
Chicken rice and peas
Chicken rice and peas
Chicken rice and peas
Chicken rice and peas
Chicken rice and peas
Hands up who likes chicken rice and peas
Yummy yummy yummy
Put it in my tummy
I like, you like, chicken rice and peas

Chicken rice and peas
Chicken rice and peas
Hands up who likes chicken rice and peas
Yummy yummy yummy
Put it in my tummy
I like, you like, chicken rice and peas

Chicken rice and peas
Chicken rice and peas
Hands up who likes chicken rice and peas
Yummy yummy yummy
Put it in my tummy
I like, you like, chicken rice and peas

Blackcurrant juice
Blackcurrant juice
Blackcurrant juice
Blackcurrant juice
Blackcurrant juice
Blackcurrant juice
Hands up who likes blackcurrant juice
Yummy yummy yummy
Put it in my tummy
I like, you like blackcurrant juice
Blackcurrant juice
Blackcurrant juice
Hands up who likes blackcurrant juice
Yummy yummy yummy
Put it in my tummy
I like, you like blackcurrant juice
Blackcurrant juice
Blackcurrant juice
Hands up who likes blackcurrant juice
Yummy yummy yummy
Put it in my tummy
I like, you like blackcurrant juice

Chocolate cake
Chocolate cake
Chocolate cake
Chocolate cake
Chocolate cake
Chocolate cake
Hands up who likes chocolate cake
Yummy yummy yummy
Put it in my tummy
I like, you like chocolate cake
Chocolate cake
Chocolate cake
Hands up who likes chocolate cake
Yummy yummy yummy
Put it in my tummy
I like you like chocolate cake

Chocolate cake
Chocolate cake
Hands up who likes chocolate cake
Yummy yummy yummy
Put it in my tummy
I like you like chocolate cake
Yummy yummy yummy
Put it in my tummy
I like, you like chocolate cake

We love chocolate cake!

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