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Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Games, 4th grade, Unit 13 Toys

ELT 10131085
LANGUAGE POINT: Teaching vocabulary through games
MATERIALS: Toys (teddy bear, doll, jigsaw puzzle, computer games, toy guitar, car, pens, crayons, track, train, carriage, bug, robot, paints), Bingo cards
1. to change the pace of the lesson
2. to help to keep students’ motivation
3. to encourage pupils to participate
4. to renew students’ energy 


  1. WARM-UP
Activity 1:
Teacher brings toys into the class. (teddy bear, doll, jigsaw puzzle, computer games, toy guitar, car, pens, crayons, track, train, carriage, bug, robot, paints). She shows the toys one by one and asks their names. After eliciting answers, she writes their names on the board.
Activity 2: True-False Chairs
Materials: Two chairs and picture cards
Teacher puts the chairs in two straight lines on either side of the classroom. One chair means “true”, the other means “false”. Teacher demonstrates this by showing a toy. She takes a toy and says the name of the toy quite wrong. She seats in the “false” chair. Then she takes a different toy and says its name correct. She seats in the “true” chair. Students are divided into two groups. She shows a toy and says the vocabulary. Children decide whether her vocabulary is true or false and sit in the correct chair. Children who choose the wrong chair is out. Winner group is announced at the end of the game.

Activity 3: Bingo Game
Materials: Bingo cards and a piece of paper
Teacher divides the class into four groups. Teacher gives each group a bingo card. She chooses one of the toys and pronounces the name of the toy. When they hear the word, they will cover it with a piece of paper. When they cover all of the words, they say BINGO" Teacher announces the winner group at the end of the game. 
Activity 4: Describe and draw
Students work in pairs. One chooses a toy but s/he doesn’t say what it is. The other draws the picture of the toy according to the description. Then they compare the drawings with the descriptions.

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