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Friday, May 10, 2013

5th Grade Unit 3 Cities Songs Activities

 3-A     09131020


Unit: 3 / Cities
Grade: 5
Vocabulary Points: city, street, hotel, restaurant, museum, shopping center, zoo, fire station, police station, stadium, post office
Grammar Points: Giving directions and prepositions (in, in front of, under, behind, between)
Materials: Flashcards, cartons

       ·         To motivate students
       ·         To attract students’ attention with song about the topic
       ·         To teach some basic vocabulary, prepositions and grammar structure
       ·         To teach how to use “Where is the…” structure and how to answer this question in order to give direction


            Teacher comes to the class. She tells them good morning or good afternoon and asks them “How are you?” After they answer, teacher asks them “Do you like listening song? What kind of songs do you like?” After they answer, teacher says “Today we are going to listen a song about our topic cities.”


            Teacher says that you will listen the song twice. Please listen carefully. After they listen the song first time, teacher puts some sentences with gaps and flashcards on the board. And she tells them that you will listen again and you try to fill the gaps on the board.


Where is the hotel?       Where is the hotel?
Hotel is in the city.         Hotel is in the city.
Where is the hotel?       There is the hotel.
Hotel is in the city.
            ****                ****                ****
Where is the post office?                   Where is the post office?
Post office is under the street.            Post office is under the street.
Where is the post office?                   There is the post office.
Post office is under the street.
            ****                ****                ****
Where is the fire station?                      Where is the fire station?
Fire station is behind the stadium.         Fire station is behind the stadium.
Where is the fire station?                      There is the fire station.
Fire station is behind the stadium.
            ****                ****                ****
Where is the restaurant?                                 Where is the restaurant?
Restaurant is in front of the museum.                Restaurant is in front of the museum?
Where is the restaurant?                                 There is the restaurant.
Restaurant is in front of the museum.
            ****                ****                ****
Where is the police station?                  Where is the police station?
Police station is between zoo and shopping center.
Where is the police station?                 There is the police station.
Police station is between zoo and shopping center.


            After listening the song and fill in the blanks activity, teacher divides class into groups. She gives them some target vocabularies and prepositions like hotel, restaurant, in, between etc. to each group. They she wants them to create a new song with these vocabularies.

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