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Friday, May 10, 2013

Teaching game, 4th grade, New friends


GRADE: 4th Grade
Activity: playing game (What’s your name?)
Objectives of the “What’s Your Name Game?”
Linguistic aims:
·         To teach basic greeting expressions (good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night)
·         To help learners to be aware of the grammatical patterns am/is /are and possessive pronouns my/your via simple greeting expressions (hello, what is your name? My name is…Nice to meet you.)
·         To raise awareness by the aspects of pronunciation of new vocabularies and structures as well (good morning, good afternoon, good evening good night, hello, what’s your name? how are you? My name is…)

·         To change  the pace of lesson and help to keep students motivation high adding variation
·         To encourage learners to participate; shy learners can be motivated to speak
·         To help learners to raise positive attitude towards target culture

·         To help learners to improve their attention span, concentration-coordination, memory skills
·         To help learners to make predictions using their world knowledge

·         To create a fun atmosphere and to reduce the distance between teacher and students.
·         To increase student to student communication which provide fluency and low dominance of teacher

Activity: Revision of structures
·         To help learners to be aware of which structures they will use related to basic greeting expressions
·         To activate their schemata and knowledge of greeting expressions (hello, how are you? What’s your name?)
Materials: Students will watch a video in which there is a cartoon character called Gogo and he introduces himself to the people, Tony and Jenny.

·         Teacher wants students to watch the video focusing on the greeting expressions
·         Then, students watch the video
·         Students try to remember basic greeting expressions

 Activity: Game (What’s your name?)
·         To help learners to practice basic greeting expressions
·         To provide students to practice basic words, chunks, collocations related to greeting expressions (Hello, how are you? What’s your name?)
·         To make the class atmosphere more enjoyable and fun for students.

·         One student sits in front of the classroom with his back to the other students. First, the teacher points to the one of the student in the class and asks “What’s your name? Hello, how are you?
·         The teacher makes a dialogue with a student, the chosen student disguise his/her voice, the student whose back is to the students ties to guess who is she/he?
·         Then, the teacher chooses some pairs that one of them disguises his/her voice. If student whose back is towards to his friends can’t know who s/he is. The game continues on until all pairs practice the greeting expressions and vocabularies.


Kahraman, Ayşe and Bahattin (2012) English 4. Grades.Semih Ofset-S.E.K Press

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