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Monday, May 13, 2013

4th Grade Unit 8 My Weekly Schedule Games

Grade: 4
Unit: 8, My Weekly Schedule
Vocabularies: Math, Science and Technology, Computer, Chess, English, Turkish, Art, Music, Physical Education

Activity 1: Kim’s Game
Aim: We can use this activity in the practice part while teaching the vocabulary. The aim is to make students learn the necessary words in an interesting and enjoyable way. In this way, we can motivate students and draw their attention, because young learner like games very much. In addition, while students play the game, they can find a chance to practice the words of the unit.
  • The teacher shows the relevant pictures of the words to the students.
  • She shows pictures and asks students “ What is it?” , they repeat the words by looking at the pictures.
  • Then, the teacher sticks pictures on the board.
  • One student comes to the board and turns his or her faces.
  • The teacher removes one of the pictures from the board and asks the student “ What is missing?”
  • The student tries to find the missing picture’s word. The game continues until many students play it.
Material: Pictures of lessons

Activity 2: Whisper Race
Aim: We can use this activity in practice part or we can use it as a warm-up activity. We can make students practice the pronunciation while they are playing the game. One of the aims is that students will be enjoyed and motivated while learning the topic. In this way, they can learn the vocabulary easily and permanently.
  • Teacher divides the class into two teams; and she puts one set of cards in front of each line of students.
  • The teacher says “ Go!” and the race starts. The first child in each group takes the first card, looks at the card; and he or she puts the card in its place.
  • If the first child sees the “Physical Education”, for example, he whispers this word to the second student and second student whispers it to the third student.
  • When the last student hears the word, he immediately goes to in front of the board and tries to take the card of physical education before the other team’s member takes it.
  • The game continues until the all cards are used.
Material: cards on which names of lessons are written

References: Gordon Lewis and Günther Bedson, Games for children

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