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Saturday, April 27, 2013

5th Grade Unit 5 My Favourite Activities Song Activities

1113006 3B
Grade :5th
Unit : 8 My Favourite Activities
Language Point: like/dislike


The focused topic is ‘like’ and ‘sports’ , but the song also includes colours and food.It is good for revising the previous unit. In the unit before that one ,the language point was food and in earlier is ‘colors’.

General aim

To teach both song itself and the language through song as it is both enjoyable and meaningful.
To teach students word stress, sentence stress and intonation,


pictures: pizza,spaghetti, colors,soccer, bike, dance ... ( you can find them on google)



To appeal students’ attention to the song.
To make them prepare to listen to the song.
To make students feel relaxed and comfort.
To make students be ready to learn.
First teacher asks students if they like songs and know any songs.
Students answer and if their answer is ‘yes’ she wants them to say it a bit. They say  and teacher says ‘ a few minutes later, we will learn a song like yours, I hope you will like it’.

Before the song;

Teacher makes students do a few exercises, she asks them the names of colors in the song be showing some colors available in the class, so she benefits from demonstrability. And she asks the names of food by showing their pictures. She focuses on some generally mispronounced words like ‘pizza’.  Then, it is turn of the real topic of the lesson: both like and sports (activities).
Now, they listen to the song. Then they listen again and try to sing it together with teacher.



To give students more opportunity to practice with the language.
To make the language put in the long term memory through consolidating activities.

First teacher makes students watch the song without voice and asks quickly what the pictures mean.

Second , teacher shows the pictures again and students make sentences ‘I like pizza, I like soccer’ etc.

Third , teacher wants students make sentences according to her gestures and mimes. For instance , teachers purse and shows the picture of soccer and students say ‘I don’t like soccer’. Than, ‘I don’t like  playing soccer’ thus; they learn collocations which means how words come together. This activity goes on for all pictures.

Next,   teacher asks what students remember about the song and sing it. Teacher starts the song again and they say altogether for the last time.



To make the activities less controlled but still guided.
Then, to let students produce their own languages.

This time teacher makes students watch a power point presentation in which there are different words (activities) from the ones in the song. But they have already studied these words .She asks for students to apply here what they did with the words in the song.
She gives an example:

Riding a bike :
Students will say ‘I like riding a bike, I don’t like riding a bike’

Students will say ‘ I like dancing, I don’t like dancing’.

Moreover , teacher gives students a few words and requires them to write a simple song . She gives an example again by using repetitions and  rhyme  :

Driving a car, playing the guitar

I like cars, cars, cars, cars
I like driving a car, driving a car
I like driving a car, driving a car
It is my favorite, favorite
It is my favorite.
I like driving a car.

I like guitars, guitars, guitars,
I like playing the guitar, playing the guitar,
I like playing the guitar, playing the guitar,
It is my favorite, favorite
It is my favorite.
I like playing the guitar.

Resources :

Brewster ,Jean and Ellis with Girard Denis,2003, The Primary English Teacher’s Guide.
My English 5, Lütfi. Bağdu,Lamia. Sazer,Beyhan, Ayşe, 2008 Pasifik Yayınevi.Yalçınkaya

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