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Friday, April 26, 2013

4th Grade, Unit 9 Timetables, Songs

09131022    3-B


Activity: Listen and Watch

Language Point: Telling time

Aims: Students will pay attention the numbers and their pronunciation
           They will realize telling time structures like “ it’s 8:00 o’clock”
           They will  improve their listening skills

Procedure  Teacher explains the activity. Then, s/he evokes students’ prior knowledge with an explanation: “As you all know, we have learned some numbers. Today, we will practise them while learning telling time with a song.” Then, s/he initiates a video on computer in which there is song. The video is also vocalized by a native speaker (By watching it, students also improve their understanding of a pronuncation of native speakers). In the video, there are some clocks. They watch the video once and then the teacher says that “you can say the song with the video” and initiates it again. The song is:

Hip-hop around the clock
Hip-hop around the clock
If you're at the time you say
Hip-hop, Hip-hop, then the time on the clock.
Hip-hop around the clock
Hip-hop around the clock
Now the time is __ o'clock.
Hip-hop, Hip-hop, it's _ o'clock...


Activity: Listen and Guess

Language Point: Telling time

Aims: Students will practise telling time structures 
           They will internalize certain numbers and their pronunciation

Procedure: The teacher explains the activity procedure by saying that: “Now, I will hand out worksheets and this time you will listen to the same song only by hearing not watching it. While listening, you will draw the clocks and write its hour on the worksheet. Then, you will change your paper with one of your classmates and check if there are some errors and tell him or her.”


Activity: Creating a Song

Aims: Students will learn to create a song
          They will be able to realize their abilities by creating rhytmic sentences with different words

Procedure : The teacher makes four groups and then explains the activity: “Now you will create your own song by using hours. First, you will draw five clocks, then create a song with the hours. After you complete them, you will come to the board and sing your song together with your group members.”


Kahraman, Ayşe and Bahattin (2012) English 4. Grades.Semih Ofset-S.E.K Pres

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